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A set of wooden carvings found inside the Mussol cave, in Ciutadella of Menorca, Spain, has enabled archaeologists to improve the knowledge on the mythology and rituals on the island during prehistoric periods. The most important findings were two small carvings that are the only ones with documented human characteristics in the archaeology of...

Talla de fusta trobada a la Cova des Mussol

Education is a fundamental pillar of society. Claudio Patricio Thieme Jara, worry about the couple: education and society, analyzed the education model of Chile. In his doctoral research he grade the leadership and the efficiency of the Chilean primary schools: This information would allow to establish political public education in agreement with...

La tesi doctoral qualifica el lideratge i leficiència de les escoles primàries xilenes.

From the decade of the sixties the presence of women in the labor market has gone in constant increase. Nevertheless, this female participation has been limited to certain fields. In a study focused on Catalunya, the researcher of the UAB, Laura Lamolla analyzes the political applied to stimulate the businesswomen's initiatives.


A toolbox for chemical analysis

Electronic tongues are analytical systems which are used to recognise the chemical components in a liquid. For these systems to be able to decode information they need the aid of computers and applied artificial intelligence tools. In his doctoral thesis the researcher Jordi Gallardo Oña has...

Una llengua electrònica és una caixa d'eines que facilita les anàlisis químiques.

UAB scientists have participated in a international cooperation project in order to study the phenomenon of the El Niño and its impact on surrounding vegetation. Investigators studied the relationship between the development of two species (pallida Prosopis and Prosopis chilensis) and the cycles of the El Niño (who has a very variable intensity)....

El fenomen El Niño podria servir per endegar programes de reforestació

The splendor of century XVII also lighted on the queen of sciences: the mathematics. In this sense, a crucial point was the publication of Viète's work: In Artem Analyticen Isagoge, in 1591 . The algebraic procedures of Viète were the guide to solve geometric problems. Pietro Mengoli used these innovations to solve the quadratures of...

Àlgebra i Geometria a Pietro Mengoli (1625-1686)

What exactly is the obsessive-compulsive disorder? The investigations in this area advance but the cure is still unknown. Scientists of the UAB are adapting an english language measuring device to detect obsessive symptoms for spanish speakers. A surveillance that will raise possible solutions.

Punt final al comportament obsessiu