Erasmus Master Studies and UAB Exchange Programme Master

General Requirements to Erasmus+ and UAB Exchange

Erasmus+ programme

The Erasmus+ Master Studies Programme and the UAB Exchange Programme Master facilitate students to spend one semester at a university.

The Erasmus programme includes EU member states or partner countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). Switzerland has been excluded from participating in the Erasmus+ programme. To apply for a grant within the Swiss-European Mobility Programme fund, you must contact the International Relations Office of the Swiss university of destination directly. You can consult more information on the website.

The Exchange programme includes foreign universities that do not participate in the Erasmus+ programme, including the United Kingdom.

Academic stays at another university are one semester and include subsequent recognition of studies taken abroad. This recognition of studies will be done following the Learning Agreement that the student will have agreed with their exchange coordinator before leaving.

The student pays the registration fee at the home university and enjoys free registration at the host institution, where he/she has the right to the same services that local students receive, under equal conditions. The host university must provide the necessary information on the courses offered, accommodation possibilities and registration procedures.

The exchange at the host university will not mean the right to obtain a degree at that institution.

This call is opened with the aim of promoting Erasmus + and UAB Exchange programs among UAB students. The decision to award places for the destination of the call does not necessarily imply the granting of an economic aid, which will depend on the approval of the budgets allocated to the program by the different institutions involved.

Cofinançat pel programa Erasmus + de la UE


  • Students must have enrolled at the UAB during the 2024/2025 academic year of one of the official master's degrees of 60 credits or one of the official master's degrees of 90 or 120 credits with mobility in the second semester, detailed in the destinations chart that will be published on the UAB website, Mobility and exchange link, in the Erasmus+ Master options" and "UAB Exchange Programme Master".
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the academic language of the host university.
  • To have the nationality, residence or status of refugee or stateless person of one of the participating states within the Erasmus+ programme: the 27 member states of the European Union and the countries associated with the Erasmus+ programme, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey.
  • Not having previously carried out stays in the Erasmus+ modality studies or practices and that exceed 10 months in the same cycle of studies, since according to the meter of Erasmus+ stays can be done up to a maximum of 12 months per cycle of studies within the Erasmus+ program. The stays in Switzerland will not be taken into account.
  • Accredit the coverage of medical and civil liability insurance.
  • Each school can add other specific requirements for its students. Check the website of your faculty.
  • There are universities that require, as a requirement, a certain level of language (see the information in the list of destinations that will be published on this website (destinations section).


Selection criters

  • The student's academic record. The qualification of the previous studies will be used. Students who have not completed previous studies at the UAB must submit to the Academic Management of their faculty/center a copy of their bachelor's/bachelor's file so that the scale can be calculated. The scale to be applied is obtained from the sum of the qualified credits multiplied by the value of their grade and on a scale from 0 to 10 divided by the total number of qualified credits. Only the grade obtained in the last call including the NOT SUBMITTED / NOT EVALUABLE, will be taken into account, which will compute with a numerical grade of 0.
  • Language level accreditation will be an element that will count up to a maximum of 2 points during the selection process when comparing the applications submitted. The accreditation of language level must be delivered to the Academic Management of the center where the student studies while the application period is open. All students who wish to participate in an Erasmus+ study stay and who do not have any document that proves their level of language may take a test at the Language Service that will allow them to obtain a certificate of accreditation of linguistic knowledge.

Call for Erasmus+ Master 2024-2025



SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación) is the entity that distributes the economic funds from the European Union to grant the students participating in the Erasmus+ programme. The grants will be awarded according to the same academic record criteria used during the selection process until they cover all the funds awarded.

The beneficiary students will receive the grant from the Erasmus+ program by bank transfer in two payments: the first, after leaving, for an approximate amount of 70% of the total awarded. To access the first payment, you must have submitted the original signed grant agreement, completed the banking data section at the SIA and delivered the arrival certificate. All four steps are essential to receive the payment.

The second payment, with the remaining amount, will be made when the student has returned and has completed the following procedures: provide the certificate of stay signed by the host university (where the start and end dates of the stay must also be clearly stated: day, month and year) and have completed the report on the stay (EU Survey). For the month of start and end of stay, which are usually not full months, the day of return and return will be taken into account and will be paid proportionally to the days of real stay of those months (calculating based on that one month is equal to 30 days).

Granting of the grant   
As part of the financial aid, the following are the funds and countries of destination:

Group 1
Countries with a higher cost of living
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden


350 €/month
Group 2
Countries with a medium-lived cost

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal

300 €/month
Group 3
Countries with a lower cost of living
Republic of North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey  

250 €/month

Compatibility of the Erasmus+ grant with other grants
If you receive the unemployment benefit or other grants for exchange stays abroad, contact the body that grants the financial aid to determine whether or not it is compatible with the Erasmus+ grant. If it is not, participation in the Erasmus+ program would be done without receiving financial aid.

Additional aid due to economic disadvantage

Students who receive the grant from Community funds during the academic year 2023/24 and who during the academic year 2022/23 or 2023/24 have been beneficiaries of a general grant from the Ministry, will receive an additional grant of €250/month.

Complementary amount to the individual support for ecological displacement – Students who choose to make an ecological displacement will receive a unique contribution of EUR 50 as a complementary amount to the individual support and up to 4 days of additional individual support to cover the travel days on a round trip, if appropriate. The payment of this complementary amount will be made at the end of the exchange stay once the Certificate of stay has been provided. If you have made an ecological trip on the way back and/or on the return of your exchange stay, you will have to fill in this form and attach signed the affidavit. It is considered ecological trip the one made by train, bus or shared car.



Depending on the budget for the 2023/24 academic year, the scholarships available will be distributed among students who have obtained a place within the framework of the UAB Exchange Programme.

The criteria that will be used to award these grants, in addition to the resulting mark used for selection, will be the strategic importance for the university.

The UAB has its own budget line for grants, the amounts of which will depend on the period that the student is at the host university:

  • One semester: €750
  • Stays equal to or less than 3 months: €500

The grant will be paid in two instalments: the first payment will correspond to 80% of the financial aid and will be paid once the student has justified the arrival at the destination center. The second payment will be the remaining 20%, it will be made upon the return of the student and once he has submitted all the required documentation.

NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: on 30 November of the course following that of the stay, who has not submitted the required documentation, will be required to refund the amount paid to them.


Erasmus destinations Master year 2024-25, second semester stays:

For the destinations, see this list of destinations for the academic year 2024-2025.

Exchange Programme destinations Master year 2024-25, second semester stays:

You can consult the Destinations of the UAB Exchange Programme of the provisional Call for the academic year 2024/2025.

The Spanish agency for Erasmus+ SEPIE offers institutions and organizations participating in the Erasmus+ program specific support on topics related to inclusion (special needs, refugees, people with less resources), which you will find in this link. In this document you will find more information.

Participants, students and teaching and administrative staff, will be able to present documentation to receive additional mobility aid. Inclusion support is financial support to cover additional costs for students and staff with fewer opportunities who participate in mobility activities of the Erasmus+ program. To access this support, participants must have a recognized and legally qualified disability of a degree equal to or greater than 33%, or suffer from physical, mental or health problems duly certified through the corresponding medical certification, as well as comply with the rest of admissibility criteria established in the Program.

The amount will cover 100% of the actual subsidized costs that are requested, directly related to your disability, provided that they are not covered through the budgetary categories of "travel" (if applicable) and "individual support", including the additional aid for students with fewer opportunities. (Among the subsidized expenses are the following: special/adapted transportation of the participant in the host country, escorts, professional services, preparatory visits and other expenses.)

Request the additional allowance using this form, for the Erasmus KA131 program.

All participants who request "Apoyo a la inclusión" based on actual costs will have to prove their degree of disability and documentably justify to the institution of higher education of origin or coordinator of the mobility consortium the actual expenses corresponding to the amount of the additional aid received .

Calendar of Erasmus+ and UAB Exchange Programme Master call 2023-2024:

  • Submission of applications:
  • Resolution and publication:
  • Acceptance or resignation of assigned place:

Pending update

Students must take into account that, within the deadlines provided, they must formalize, among others, the following steps:

  • Acceptance / Non-acceptance of the place
  • Application documents at the host university (with the language certification at the required level).
  • Contracting medical insurance abroad
  • Formalization of the commitment document and other documentation required
  • Visa processing
  • Below you will find the resolution as well as information documents and important forms for the realization of your exchange stay.

Please read the Erasmus+ Dossier and also the document called "Checklist", which summarizes the main steps to follow in managing your mobility. Selected and documentation academic year 2023-2024

On November 10, 2023, the resolution of the 2023-24 academic year is published, you can accept the place until November 17.