Other research procedures

Request for accreditation of research activities of technical support staff (PAS)

Application for recognition of research activities under article 21.1 of Law 24/2015, of July 24, on patents.
You can consult the Regulations for accreditation of research tasks.
The request will be submitted by the interested party.

Administration and service personnel who carry out tasks of responsibility in research and transfer within the activity of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona may request recognition of this activity, provided that all of the following requirements are met:

  • Have a full-time contractual or statutory relationship with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and be classified as administration and services personnel, labor or civil servant.
  • Have a doctor's degree.
  • Have the LG1 category (labor personnel) or belong to group A (civil servant personnel).


To obtain the recognition it is essential to prove, in the last 5 years:

For mainly research profiles:

  • Accredited participation in at least 1 competitive project for a minimum duration of 3 years during the evaluated period. This requirement must be confirmed by the department director or person in charge with their report supporting the submission of the application for recognition of the investigation and the transfer.
  • Be the author of at least 3 indexed research publications (Scopus or JCR) or 3 book chapters in the work area indexed in SPI or 1 book published in recognized publishers in the work area.

For mainly transfer profiles:

  • Accredited participation in transfer agreements with a cumulative duration of at least three years during the evaluated period.
  • Accredited participation in at least 1 competitive project or be the author of at least 2 indexed research publications or 2 book chapters in the work area indexed in SPI or 1 book published in recognized publishers in the work area.

The Commission considers that these criteria can be representative of all areas of research at our multidisciplinary University. If any areas are detected where they do not fit, the Commission may adapt them accordingly.

. Fill out the electronic request form for accreditation of research activities
Once you submit it (SEND button), you will be presented with the option to DOWNLOAD AS PDF, download and sign electronically. You can check the digital certificates recognized in the UAB on the website of the electronic office

Second. In addition to the application, you must provide, duly completed, in PDF fomat and electronically signed, your curriculum vitae where you identify the research activity that motivates the request and a favorable report of your organic and functional managers

Third. These three documents (the application, the curriculum vitae and the report) must be submitted to the UAB Telematic Registry

Your request will be evaluated by the ad hoc Commission, delegated from the Commission of Research, and you will be informed of its resolution.

Resource Management Unit (Research Management Area)
Telephone: 93 581 3738