
Contact, Competences and Responsibilities in the Area of Research & Tranfer

Area of Research, Innovation and Transfer organisation chart


Vice-Rector for Research  Dr. Assumpció Malgosa 
Secretary Isabel Blasco +34 93 581 1832
Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Dr. Rosa Maria Sebastián
Deputy to Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Vicente Martínez

+34 93 586 8739

Secretary Isabel Blasco +34 93 581 2810

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Assumpció Malgosa - vr Recerca

Dr Assumpció Malgosa Morera
Professor of Physical Anthropology


  • Policy on research and research staff.
  • Coordinating the UAB research units.
  • Relations with the research centres that have their own legal personality and are affiliated to the UAB or with UAB participation, mainly in matters related to health.

Presiding over the Governing Council commissions: 

  • Commission for Doctoral Studies. 
  • Commission for Research, Transfer and Innovation. 

Edifici A, plaça Acadèmica, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
+34 93 5811832

Brief Curriculum Vitae
Professor in the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology of the UAB. She has taught in the faculties of Biosciences, Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Education, on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as individual courses in other campus centres. She has also taught on Master’s degree and PhD courses in the Universities of Alicante and Sassari, and Tor Vergata University Rome, and has been an Erasmus professor in different universities. Her teaching and research are focused on physical anthropology and specifically in relation to the study of human remains, whether in the field of human evolution, ancient remains of forensic anthropology.

As leader of the Osteobiography Research Group (GROB), she has brough together a multidisciplinary team in the field of reconstructing the life of ancient populations, from osteology to genetic analysis of ancient remains, working on identification, population origin, paleopathology, palaeolithic diet, etc. She has been responsible for national and international projects such as the study of frozen tombs in Mongolia. She has also led projects of great importance for Catalonia such as studies of the remains in the royal tombs of Santes Creus, a pilot project and protocol for the excavation of mass burials grounds from the Civil War in Catalonia.

Her university management roles have included Secretary of the Biology Section (licentiate degree in Biology), coordinator of the Professional Specialization Master’s Degree in Human Biology, coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Human Biology and later coordinator of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Biological Anthropology, coordinator of the PhD in Biological Anthropology and coordinator at the UAB of the Interuniversity PhD in Biodiversity. She has been the director of the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology, Deputy Dean of Academic Planning at the Faculty of Sciences, Rector’s Delegate for Academic Staff and Trainee Research Staff, and Rector’s Delegate for Scientific Policy.

Assumpció Malgosa's profile at the UAB Research Portal

Rosa María Sebastián - vr Innovació i Projectes Estratègics

Dr Rosa María Sebastián Pérez
Professor of Organic Chemistry


  • Policies for promoting innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship.
  • Relations with the research centers that have their own legal personality and are participated by the UAB, mainly established on the UAB Campus.
  • Executive directorship of the UAB Research Park.
  • Relations with the business and social fabric of the region on questions of innovation and public-private partnership.
  • Coordinating the scientific and technical services.
  • Responsible for the Library Service.
  • Responsible for the Publications Service.
  • Responsible for the Quality Assurance Unit. 

Presiding over the Governing Council commissions: 
Commission for Research, Transfer and Innovation.

Edifici A, plaça Acadèmica, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
+34 93 5812810

Brief Curriculum Vitae
Professor of the Department of Chemistry within the Area of Organic Chemistry, PhD in Chemistry from the UAB, Professor Sebastián carried out a postdoctoral stay at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (CNRS, Strasbourg) and later returned to the UAB through a Generalitat de Catalunya contract aimed at reincorporating PhD holders into Catalan universities. She was then awarded a position through the Ramon y Cajal Programme in 2001. Since January 2006 she has held a permanent post at the UAB.

Her research has evolved from the synthetic study of small molecules through to macromolecules, on to the preparation of polymeric materials, and has given rise to over 73 indexed scientific articles and three patents. She has participated in 12 national and European projects and six scientific networks. She currently coordinates a consolidated funded research group. She has supervised nine doctoral theses and is currently supervising seven theses that are now being written. In terms of knowledge transfer, she has taken part in four competitive projects and 15 contracts with companies, resulting in over twelve patents currently in use, two industrial doctorates and a National Research Prize in Public-Private Partnership between the UAB and Henkel KGaA & Co. She has also taken part in three teaching innovation projects that have given rise to nine articles.

She has been head of the Organic Chemistry Unit, secretary of the Department of Chemistry, member of the standing committees of the Faculty of Sciences and the Section of Chemistry, and member of the Department of Chemistry’s PhD Committee.

Rosa María Sebastián’s profile at the UAB Research Portal

Competences and responsibilities:

  • Head of Management of the Area of Research
  • Promote and strengthen UAB research and knowledge transfer
  • Implement improvements aimed at more efficient management of the resources available and guarantee the quality of services offered by the Research Sector
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement of the Quality System in the Area of Research 
  • Work closely with the executive administrator, taking on specific responsibilities and acting as a liaison between the executive administrator and the rest of the area members
  • Participate and collaborate with the governing team's strategic planning policies, in the writing up of objectives, in the analysis and implementation of new projects and in the study of their viability and execution, offering support to the management of research at the UAB, to the international research projects, to the evaluations and patents, to the technological innovation, to the actions taken under the Campus of International Excellence and to the UAB Research Park
  • Offer support to the governing team, especially to the office of the vice rector for Research, to the office of the vice rector for Strategic Projects and Planification, and for the Rector's Commissioner for the Research Park
  • Represent the university and defend its interests, as well as set down communication and coordination connections among different areas within the university
Office of the Deputy Executive Administrator for Research
Position Name Contact 
Deputy Executive Administrator
for Research
Iván Marftínez +34 93 581 2083
Secretary Montse García +34 93 581 2083


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Competences and responsibilities
  • Manage competitive research aids and subsidies: dissemination and support in research calls, applications, resolutions, modification in concessions, etc.
  • Management of collaborations between the university and businesses in R&D terms.
  • The coordination of research issues with other central and departmental areas, study and research centres and university institutions.
  • Management of all issues related to data obtainment of UAB scientific activity and production (research groups, departments, centres, institutions) and used in decision-making processes.
  • Obtainment of aggregated and sectorialised indicators (research lines, scientific disciplines, basic research structures, etc.) and visibility in scientific production.
  • Support and execution of activities based on UAB scientific policies (vice rectors' offices).

The Research Management Area is organised into three specialised units:

  • Contracts and Agreements Unit
  • Resource Management Unit
  • Scientific and Technical Services Management Unit

The Research Management Area also includes a Front Office which offers the following services:

  • Gather documents addressed to the different sectors of the area and review their adequacy with the aim of avoiding duplicities in procedures and/or tasks, in accordance with technical directives.
  • Offer information and support in person and over the phone on research related processes.

Research Management Area
Position  Name  Contact
Head of Area Anabel Poveda

+34 93 581 3732

Secretary Montse García

+34 93 581 3732

Monitoring and justification of aid with MRR funds (Mechanism for Recovery and Resilience) on the Ministry's platforms

Noelia Domínguez

Cristina Lozano

Helena Prats


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Competences and responsibilities:

  • Manage and supervise the contracts and agreements of research and development (R&D), of researchers linked to the university (IVU) and chairs of research
  • Presentation of tenders in the field of research
  • Maintain relations and negotiation with public and private bodies for the establishment of collaborations for research purposes
  • Provide technical support and advice to researchers in their field
  • Updated maintenance of the EGRETA application in relation to the previous competences

Contracts and Agreements Unit
Position Name Contact
Head of Unit Luís Bradineras

+34 93 581 4600

Administration Andreu Bartuí

+34 93 581 4600

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The centralized management of the scientific and technical services is organized in two different spheres, one administrative and the other one technological. In this second domain, there are 12 technological units that support research in several areas of knowledge:

  • Chemical Analysis Service (SAQ)
  • Crop, Antibody and Cytometry Service (SCAC)
  • Animal Facility (SE)
  • Applied Statistics Service (SEA)
  • Genomics and Spectroscopy of Biomolecules Service (SGiEB)
  • Service of Farms and Experimental Fields (SGCE)
  • Microscopy and X-ray Diffraction Service (SMiDRX)
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service (SeRMN)
  • Food Technology Pilot Plant Service (SPTA)
  • Ionizing Radiation Service (SRI)

Competences and responsibilities

  • To provide technological support and scientific-technical assistance to the scientific community of the UAB, as well to other public and private institutions.
  • To coordinate and manage the correct development of the services provided from the technological units of the scientific-technical services
  • To coordinate and manage the correct development and processing of the economical procedures of the scientific-technical services.
  • To organize, coordinate and manage the correct development and prosecution of the scientific-technical services regulations.
  • To follow up on the resolutions of the Vice-Rector and the Deputy Executive Administrator for Research concerning the scientific-technical services.
Scientific and Technical Services Management Unit
Name Contact
Head of Unit
  Mª Ángeles Benítez  +34 93 581 3457
Head of Administrative sphere
  Lola Caballero +34 93 581 1540
Administrative sphere
  Esperanza Ramírez +34 93 581 1552
  Mateu Company
  Maria Teresa García
  Ariadna Muñoz
  Contxi Saumell
  Lidia Triay  
  Verónica Segura

+34 93 581 1583

+34 93 581 1559

  Maria Teresa García +34 93 581 1559
Technological sphere. Directors of Technological Units
  Salvador Bartolomé +34 93 581 3074
  Alba Eustaquio +34 93 581 1291
  Francisca García +34 93 586 8946
  Pedro Otaegui +34 93 581 1474
  Llorenç Badiella +34 93 581 1347
  Ramon Costa +34 93 581 3440
  Núria Barba +34 93 581 2090
  Teodor Parella +34 93 581 2291
  Joan Miquel Quevedo +34 93 581 1956
  Eva Rodriguez +34 93 581 3334

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Competences and responsibilities:

  • Disseminate and foster participation of university members in research programmes and in building ties with external sectors with the aim of enriching UAB activities
  • Plan the coordination of information on research calls support services for users
  • Coordinate the assessment and technical support in procedures when applying for national aids and grants, and management of all documents
  • Manage and act as liaison between the UAB and funding entities
Resource Management Unit
Position Name Contact
Manager Àngels Osuna
+34 93 581 3738
Available in Teams



Esther Verriest

Mari Carmen Rodríguez

Sònia Sanchón

Irina Espes

Cristina Tarrida

Ramoni Martínez




+34 93 581 2382

+34 93 581 2660

+34 93 581 3737

Grant Management


Anna Carmona

Ingrid Díaz

Lourdes Larramona

Ramoni Martínez

Lidia Triay

Alberto Rodríguez

+34 93 581.3447

+34 93 581 2562

+34 93 581.2162

+34 93 581 3737

+34 93 586 8596

+34 93 586 8596

Economic Management


Carmen Pérez

Alicia Zorrilla


Consuelo García

Tània Mata

Aitor Zamora

+34 93 581 2150

+93 34 581 1636

+34 93 586 8598

+34 93 586 8599

+34 93 586 8598

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The International Projects Office promotes the participation of research groups in international programs and calls. The OPI offers comprehensive advice on the development of research and educational projects while offering the possibility of managing international projects (ERC and H2020 / HE coordinated) 

  1. Promotion 
  2. Assessment and planning 
  3. Support for proposals acting as coordinator 
  4. Negotiation stage  
  5. Project management
International Projects Office
Position Name Contact
International Projects Office
Head of Office Núria Claver +34935812940


Xavier Biarnés +34935812077
Silvia Bronsoms +34935813752
Alejandra Campos +34935814999
Verónica Colombo +34935868630
Elena Gabarra  +34935811363
Paqui Rabadán +34935813752
Dulce Tienda +34935814060
Jordi Malapeira +34935814999
Marina Utges +34935814060
Post-award Team Coordinator Montse Paredes +34935813209
Post-award Susana Aragón
Marta Cayetano
Mònica Cervera
Noelia Donado
Paloma Heredia
Valentina Noyola
Encarna Poncela
Manuela Romero
Óscar Ruiz 
Vanessa del Pino +34935868827
Laura Jiménez +34935813130
Laura Vea +34935813209
Marta Viana +34935868666
Administration Jesús Manuel Álvarez +34935814647
Míriam Folch +34935868034
Information management Eduard Sala +34935868062

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The Knowledge Transfer and Research Valorisation Office at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is responsible for managing the university's research results, with the aim of transferring them to society. This includes the management of the University's industrial property, from the patent application to the promotion and collection of funding to enhance these results, and the transfer of research results through licensing.

Competences and responsibilities:

  • Support services in protection strategies (IPR)
  • Assessment and protection of research results
  • Preparation of studies of patentability and technological vigilance
  • Assessment of research results: definition of trial-concept, search for funding, search for partners
  • Preparation of transfer agreements: drafting, reviewing and discussing conditions with third parties
  • Participation, together with PRUAB, in the process of commercialising and creating technology-based companies
  • Preparation, execution and delivery of UAB projects, within their own sector, which are financed by the administrations 
  • Participation in national and international networks
  • Organisation of training workshops, information and awareness-raising in and out of the university community.
Knowledge Transfer and Research Valorisation Office
Position Name Contact
Knowledge Transfer and Research Valorisation Office
Head of Office Xavier Vallvé +34935813231
Legal advice Clàudia Morgado +34935814393
Creation of companies Maite Ibern 34935813239
Valorisation and licenses Martín Buffa +34935814846
Lucas Martín +34935813229
Carlos Raga +34935813238
Sandra Ramos +34935814846
Administrative, economic and procedures support Miquel Costa +34935813435
Carlota Sanromà +34935814588

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Competences and responsibilities:

  • Coordinate the implementation of an integrated management, exploitation and dissemination system for UAB research data
  • Development of technological tools for research management
  • Compilation of Scientific Production by UAB researchers
  • Analysis and exploitation of research data
  • Bibliometrical studies using the data obtained from the UAB CRIS
  • Diffusion of research data

Technological Research Office
Position Name Contact
Head of Office Carlos Serrano +34 93 581 4216
Data Management and Advice Unit
Head of Unit Rosa Fàbregas +34 93 581 4216

Sònia Ruiz

Vanessa Leo

Alba García

Samantha Curopos

Antonio Trujillo

Amèlia Vázquez

+34 93 581 4216


Development and Data Exploitation Unit
Head of unit Ignacio Ferrero +34 93 581 4216

Dani Medina

Marc Creus

José Quirós

Jordi Hernández

+34 93 581 4216
Data Exploitation Andreu Grau +34 93 581 4216

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Competences and responsibilities

  • Plan, manage and monitor strategic actions with surrounding institutions, aimed at promoting research, innovation, and transfer of the university, and contributing to territorial and regional development.
  • Plan the university's own research and innovation structures, with the same purposes.
  • Coordinate the Communities Oriented to Strategic Challenges (CORE) of the UAB.
  • Coordinate and supervise the creation and implementation of the UAB's Open Innovation Laboratories (UAB OpenLabs), within the UAB's Innovation Ecosystem.

If you are interested in joining the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/ UAB-CIE Sphere project of Communities Oriented to Strategic Challenges, please contact us:

Strategic Development
  Head Àngela Serrano +34935812916  
  Talent Attraction and Retention Technician Melania Carmona +34935814267  
UAB Open Labs Coordination  Alfons Miàs +34659094428
Design Lab Juan Vicente Rodríguez  +34935814031
Digital Lab Igor Bogdanovic +34935811308
  Open Innovation Lab Bárbara Casas +34935814959

Communities Oriented to Strategic Challenges 


CORE in Cultural Heritage Oriol Vicente +34935868744
CORE in Smart and Sustainable Cities Konstantinos Kourkoutas +34935868245
CORE in Mental Health Sònia Sànchez +34935813337  +34636552655
CORE in Education and Employment Laura Palou +34935813083

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The UAB Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) supports research in the field of quality with respect to different regulatory frameworks (GLP, ISO 17025, ISO 9001, Good Scientific Practices, etc.). It is involved in the processes of obtaining certifications, and accreditations based on quality management standards, from application to regulatory bodies to obtaining certificates.

Competences and responsibilities:

  • Advice on the implementation of different Regulatory Systems
  • Mock Inspections
  • Internal audits and inspections
  • Support in external audits of clients and official bodies
  • Quality training projects
  • Support in the establishment and standardization of formats, and documents to promote the quality of products and services
  • Tailored service for quality management according to the required regulatory system
  • Promote and participate in working groups, forums, at the UAB level on quality issues
  • Participation in the Ethics Committee on Animal and Human Experimentation
Quality Assurance Unit
Contact      +34.93.581.3578      +34.93.581.3146     

Head of Unit

Águeda Flores

Quality systems assessment and audit

Carme Alañá
Laura Martínez
Núria Pérez
Pilar Pérez
Núria Puig
Esther Sánchez


Emma Roig

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