SCV and ACV Curriculum
The SCV and the ACV are digital resumes that provide a standardized content and pattern, thus enabling the shift towards e-government. It must be taken into account that these are currently the formats that must be submitted to state-wide calls for the financing of R&D&I projects.
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Both patterns have been developed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the former Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO).
The format of the SCV in its latest version as well as that of the ACV issued from EGRETA, are certified by the FECYT.
The SCV (Standardised Curriculum Vitae) is a project of the FECYT and aims to create a single CV format which can be used in all areas of knowledge and may be presented at any type of call for papers, proposals or other applications.
The SCV is also a norm that establishes the pool of technical specifications that regulate all the areas of the standard curriculum. That is to say, it is the regulation that have to track all the curriculums adapted at the norm SCV so that have cohesion at an only format.
It can be presented at the calls for grant applications of the Ministry for Science and Innovation. The aim of the FEYCT is to provide a single format that can be presented to any organisation requiring a CV.
Find out more on the official website SCV.
The SCV is generated through the apps of management curriculars that have the universities, that have had to be previously certified. At the case of it UAB it SCV generates through the app of management curricular EGRETA. FECYT has certified the company supplier of the software, Elsevier, and has authorised it for the generation of the SCV.
Once in the app access at the maintenance Curriculum Vitae and elect the option CV by FECYT.
Also it can generate through the agent curricular that the same FECYT puts at disposal of the researchers, the universities of which do not have of a tool of management curricular certified.
The SCV compilation the data that it FECYT has established that they form part of the curriculum of the personal researcher of the system of Spanish science. In order that can appear , the data have to be introduced.The information that is not introduced in the app won't be shown at the curriculum and will not be able to be incorporated at the document generated.
Bear in mind that any manipulation of the SCV certified invalidates it automatically and therefore the proprietary headquarters stays excluded of the announcement at which wants to take part.
The SCV that generates at the moment EGRETA is based at the last norm by FECYT that it is the last version published and unlike the previous SCV generated by Ein@, based at the version 1.2, this one incorporates more of 1000 distinct areas (the previous system of management curricular managed 250 distinct areas).
The SCV generated by EGRETA generates a curriculum that collects the training, the educational experience (that will be updated soon), the scientific and technological experience and the scientific activities and general techniques.
The ACV (Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae) is another model of more normalised curriculum short that the SCV and that has two formats one at .rtf and therefore modifiable for the user and a certificate for the FECYT, that the SCV can not be at any case manipulated once generated.
It is useful to apply for the announcements of public aids of the State Plan that require it.
The system that has the UAB permits, at these moments, the obtention of the ACV certified by the FECYT mediating the app of update curricular EGRETA. Once in the app access at the maintenance Curriculum Vitae and select CV by FECyT.
You can choose the CVA-AEI and/or CVA-ISCIII formats
The ACV certified collects the data that previously the researcher will have selected of the information that features him in the app EGRETA and that FECYT has signified that they are susceptible to form part of this format curricular based on what is established by the AEI and/or the ISCIII in their calls. Same as with the SCV, if the information is not introduced at the app will not be shown at the curriculum.
It is necessary to recall that at SCV at any case, already was at format certified already was at format .rtf cannot surpass the 4 pages. In that case, the owner of the curriculum will be automatically excluded of the application. The certified format that generates EGRETA warns when the ACV surpasses this length.
Bear also in mind that as with the SCV, any manipulation of the ACV certified invalidates it automatically.