Assignment or deallocation of the research activity to Institutions with their own legal personality

On this page you will find the research procedures that you can carry out online.

For each procedure you will find an explanation of how to proceed. You will also find contact details in case you have any questions.

Application for affiliation of the research activity to Institutions with own legal status, of UAB academic and research personnel.
You can consult the Regulation about assigning research activity to institutions with their legal stataus
The request will be submitted by the interested party.

Fill out the electronic application form
Once you submit it (SEND button), you will have the option to DOWNLOAD AS PDF, download and sign it electronically. You can check the digital certificates recognized in the UAB on the website of the electronic office

Second. In addition to the application form, you must provide, duly completed, in PDF format and electronically signed, the following reports:
A favorable report from the Director of the department of the interested person, on the assignment of their research activity to an institution with own legal status

A document (in free format) signed by the management of the Institution with own legal status, specifying the benefits that this affiliation can represent for both parties.

Third. These three documents (the application and the two reports) must be submitted to the UAB Telematic Registry, to the attention of the chair of the Commission of Research, Transfer and Innovation.

Your request will be evaluated by the Commission of Research, Transfer and Innovation, and you will be informed of its resolution.

At the same time, from the Research Area, the corresponding institutional agreement and/or addenda will be managed between the UAB and the Institution with own legal status.

Strategic Development
Telephone: 93 581 3732

Request to change the percentage of assignment the research activity to Institutions with own legal status, of UAB academic and research personnel.
You can consult the Regulation about assigning research activity to institutions with own legal status
The request will be submitted by the interested party.

Fill out the electronic application form
Once you submit it (SEND button), you will have the option to DOWNLOAD AS PDF, download and sign it electronically. You can check the digital certificates recognized in the UAB on the website of the electronic office

Second. In addition to the application form, you must provide, duly completed, in PDF format and electronically signed, the following reports:

A favorable report from the Director of the department of the interested person, on the assignment of their research activity to an institution with own legal status

A document (in free format) signed by the management of the Institution with own legal status, specifying the benefits that this affiliation can represent for both parties.

Third. These three documents (the application and the two reports) must be submitted to the UAB Telematic Registry, to the attention of the chair of the Commission of Research, Transfer and Innovation.


Your request will be evaluated by the Commission of Research, Transfer and Innovation, and you will be informed of its resolution.

At the same time, from the Research Area, the corresponding institutional agreement and/or addenda will be managed between the UAB and the Institution with own legal status.

Strategic Development
Telephone: 93 581 3732

Request of research activity deallocation to Institutions with own legal status, of UAB academic and research personnel.
You can consult the Regulation about assigning research activity to institutions with own legal status
The request may be submitted by the interested person (academic and research personnel), the director of the department or institution with own legal status.

Fill out the electronic application form
Once you submit it (SEND button), you will have the option to DOWNLOAD AS PDF, download and sign it electronically. You can check the digital certificates recognized in the UAB on the website of the electronic office

Second. This document must be submitted to the UAB Telematic Registry to the attention of the chair of the Commission of Research, Transfer and Innovation.

Your request will be evaluated by the Commission of Research, Transfer and Innovation and you will be informed of its resolution.

At the same time, the Research Area will proceed to manage the institutional agreement and/or the corresponding addenda, between the UAB and the Institutions with own legal status.

Strategic develoopment
Telephone: 93 581 3732