
Justice - prisons

Volunteering Justice Program - Adults

  • Volunteering in 3 adult penitentiary centers: CP Brians I, CP Brians II and CP Quatre Camins.
  • Physical-sports, cultural and artistic, academic and socio-occupational, or leisure and personal development activities.

Justice volunteering contributes to breaking isolation and promoting the integration and social reintegration of people deprived of liberty; leaving behind the prejudices and myths that surround the penitentiary reality.
As a volunteer you will be able to propose, design and participate in various activities in adult prisons, and acquire social skills, develop a critical spirit and share knowledge with inmates.

How can you participate?

If you are a student, PAS or PDI of the UAB you can participate by proposing and developing different workshops as well as academic and socio-labor, cultural and artistic, physical-sports, personal development activities, among others.


In two penitentiary centers located in Sant Esteve de Sesrovires:

- CP Brians I

- CP Brians II

And one in the Roca del Vallès:

- CP Quatre Camins


The dedication is once a week from Monday to Sunday; on variable hours according to each activity and center.

Interested people can fill out the volunteer information request form and will receive updated information.


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