Justice program

The FAS Justice Programme, through its student volunteers, seeks to help in the social rehabilitation of prison inmates and young people subject to judicial measures imposed by juvenile courts.
At the FAS we are firm believers in the role of volunteers in raising the public's awareness and sense of responsibility regarding the situation in prisons. At the same time their presence helps to combat inmates' physical and social isolation.
By willingly and freely sharing their time with them, volunteers bring benefits that go beyond the activities that they carry out: they play a part in raising inmates' self-esteem and confidence in getting back on their feet, because others are backing them.
For more information on volunteering on the Justice Programme, click on this link.
Objectives of the FAS Justice Programme:
- To improve the quality of life and general atmosphere in prisons and juvenile re-education centres.
- To help in the social integration of prisoners and detainees by involving UAB student volunteers in their rehabiliation process: gradually bringing them closer to society.
- To involve student volunteers in training activities to develop inmates' capacities and skills and help them achieve their own objectives.
- To provide young people in re-education centres with healthy role models, especially regarding leisure pursuits.
- To introduce university students to the world of prison, juvenile detention and social rehabilitation and promote values education.
Types of activities that are conducted in prisons and detention centres:
- Academic and socio-occupational activities
- Physical exercise and sports activities
- Leisure and personal development activities
- Cultural and artistic activities
- Awareness-raising activities on the UAB campus