
PRC: portal de la recerca de Catalunya

What is the PRC?

The Portal of Research in Catalonia (Portal de Recerca de Catalunya) collects, displays and disseminates from a single space the results of research developed at the universities and research centers in Catalonia. These results are those related to researchers, publications, research groups and projects for the international scientific community, companies, funding organization and the general public, thus facilitating open access to research output.

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In the long term, it also aims to simplify management processes and support the evaluation ones.

The idea arises from a proposal by the Directorate-General of Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya to the CSUC. The CSUC is in charge of coordinating tasks jointly with a working commission formed by members of the Catalan universities. 

All data is obtained from the University's management system. Therefore, in the case of the UAB, this data comes from the EGRETA application.  

The data shown are: 


  • RESEARCHERS: Teaching and research staff, as well as research support staff with an ORCID identifier informed in EGRETA and with an associated curricular activity (being in a group or a research project or having at least one publication or thesis). 

  • PROJECTS: competitive research projects. 

  • RESEARCH GROUPS: Operative research groups. 


  1. Articles (submitted, accepted, published and updated version) 

  1. Books (complete, chapters or parts). 

  1. Written and directed theses. 

Furthermore, the aim is to expand the types of research personnel and increase the number of different types of grants, agreements, patents in a second phase.

Likewise, the publications section will also be increased (adding working papers, contributions to congresses, etc.). 

The data is updated every two months.  

In order to appear in the PRC, it is mandatory to be an active member of the Research Teaching or Research Support Staff at the time that the data is sent to the PRC from EGRETA. Likewise, you must have previously informed EGRETA of your ORCID id.  

We remind you that when in doubt, you may contact or call 4216.  

Check if this duplication also exists in EGRETA and if it is possible for you to remove it. In the event that it is a validated record, please contact EGRETA's administrators so they can eliminate the duplicate record.  

In future data loads, the modified information will appear correctly.  

From the UAB we are making improvements regarding the quality of the EGRETA data, however, it is possible that some duplicate will still appear in the PRC. 

You can send an email to the following address or call extension 4216.

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