• UABDivulga


ATLAS: A computer tool for traceabilty studies

Today scientific progress depends to a great extent on computer tools. In genetic studies, for example, a cascade of data is generated, which is only comprehensible after vertiginous calculations on the part of a computer. The Faculty of Veterinary Science is well aware of...

cadena genètica

The bleach, or chlorine, is necessary to disinfect the water but in too high a dose it could poison us. Because of this, it is important that the tools used in the detection of chlorine in water are most reliable. Researchers from the Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica have developed a chip which allows the continuous monitoring of...

Chip sensor

The simple consumption of a product is part of an ecological footprint that we left in the planet. Our habits produce an impact and thanks to this indicator of sustainability we can measure it. A group of investigators of the UAB have created a methodology that allows to calculate the environmental impact of a specific activity: the...

La petjada ecològica dels nostres desplaçaments per Barcelona

The oral antibiotics are administered systematically before a colon surgery. But, is it really necessary this medication? Investigators of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron and UAB think that it is not. This categorical negative reflects the results of a study in which participated 300 people in this situation.

Colon i recte

In his research, Jordi Camps Polo obtains interesting results on the chromosomal instability of tumor cells. His research, that focuses in the human colon cancer, has used molecular cytogenetics techniques for his analysis. This novel approach has revealed chromosomal alterations during the cellular division that were invisible up to now.

Noves pistes sobre la progressió dels tumors

In the XVIth century the greek myths were in fashion. Lope de Vega wrote a compendium of mythological comedies. Thanks to the literacy capacity of this playwright this work is outstanding. In our epoch, Agustí Sánchez Aguilar, in his doctoral thesis, submerged in this work to analyze the artistic strategies that fused the myth and other...

Mites grecs en clau llatina: les faules de Lope de Vega

Bioethanol as a renewable source of energy. In his thesis, Antonio Peinado Amores, from the Department of Chemistry,the process of alcoholic fermentation has been monitored by using an on-line Near-Infrared probe. In that way, the spectral information recorded has been translated into meaningful chemical information with the help of different...

Noves estratègies per al seguiment de fermentacions alcohòliques

The first chroniclers who came to America described the highly civilized and urbanized societies. In the course of time these facts were distorted and the western world was acquiring a different vision from reality. Why?. In his doctoral dissertation Isabel Bargalló Sánchez digs this alteration up and answers to this one and...

Expedició per l'Amèrica del Sud del segle XVI. Guia per al viatge: Les cròniques d'Índies

In the design of new medicines, it is very important to know how the proteins' functions are characterized. Sandra Izquierdo's doctoral thesis, "�cids (+) i (-) aminociclobutan-1-carbox�lics i la seva incorporaci� en �-p�ptids. Estudi sint�tic i estructural", studied how the secondary structures of the particles that form the proteins, the...
