UAB Refugees


Grant aid for refugee students at the UAB. Funded by the UAB community through the crowdfunding campaign #UABRefugi. Overall appropriation of 15.000 euros for the academic year 2019-2020. 

- Terms of the call Scholarship UAB Refugi 2019 (available in Catalan only)

- Application Form Scholarship UAB Refugi 2019  (available in Catalan only)

-Scholarship Award UAB Refugi 2019 (available in Catalan only)

The objective of the #UABRefugi aid is to promote that students in a situation of refuge can resume their university studies at UAB with equal rights and opportunities.

Types of assistance

Modality A - Prices for academic services of an educational and non-teaching nature:

The total funding for this modality is €65,000.

Exemption of 100% from the academic and administrative fees for admission and registration in the academic year 2024-2025.
Aid for exemption from the fees associated with late payment of tuition fees.
Aid for exemption from the fees for the issue of official diplomas and academic certificates.

Modality B - Internship

The total funding for this modality is €15,000.

Modality C - Study support:

The total funding for this modality is €50,000. The total amount of aid to be applied for and received is a maximum of €2,500 per student.


-Regulatory bases of the call


The call is funded by the UAB as part of its collaboration with the Fundació Autònoma Solidària. Study aid is aimed at concepts such as teaching and/or technological material, transport, material for carrying out curricular practices and/or other duly justified expenses directly related to the development of university studies.   

Find the regulatory bases of the call and the application form below. 

The application period starts on 18 November 2024 and ends on 10 January 2025 at 00:00 (GMT + 1).

WARNING: The date of resolution of the call is modified, being the new date scheduled on February 14, 2025. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CALL 2024-2025:

-Regularoty bases of the call


Resolution calls (en castelllano)

- 2025






The call is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities as part of the Action Plan and Refugee Universities program. The study grant is intended to cover items such as educational and/or technological materials, transportation, materials for carrying out curricular internships, and/or other duly justified expenses directly related to the development of university studies.

You can find the regulatory bases of the call and the application form below.

The application period begins on November 8, 2024, and ends on November 22, 2024, at 00:00 (GMT +1).


-Regularity Bases

-Online application Form 

Faced with the humanitarian emergency unfolding in the Gaza Strip, in particular, and in the West Bank, due to the escalation of violence that began in October 2023 and which the International Court of Justice in The Hague has deemed plausible to be considered as genocide, the UAB Senate, on May 30, 2024, agreed to promote university hosting actions for the affected population.

The UAB's commitment to supporting university refuge, embodied in the Refuge Program for individuals seeking asylum, promoted by the Autonomous Solidarity Foundation (FAS), can serve as a solid framework for implementing this support for hosting as a safe avenue for refuge. In this context, the UAB aims to make it possible for students from Palestine, who have had to abandon their university studies due to the armed conflict—whether they are residents in Palestinian territories or refugees in neighboring countries—to resume their studies at our university.

To achieve this, in addition to the general #UABRefugi scholarships, this year it is deemed important to approve a specific call for applications to facilitate travel, accommodation, and enrollment at the UAB for Palestinian students starting in the 2024-2025 academic year.

-Scholarship Call Guidelines

Call for applications for the scholarship in prevention of violent extremism

Within the framework of the program “Promotion of the role of Syrian, Jordanian, Kurdish and Catalan civil society in the transformation of the causes of the Syrian conflict through comprehensive strategies for the Prevention of Violent Extremism with a gender focus”, Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) opened a new call for scholarships, intended to fund four positions of specialized university studies.



Specialized training program in peacebuilding and human rights advocacy at the University Autonomous

Call for scholarships on peacebuilding and human rights training.

In the framework of the project “ASÎTÎ: Fostering the role of young internally displaced persons and refugees in the long-running conflicts of Syria and the KRI and of the youth of the host communities of Jordan and Catalonia in the construction of peace and security, consolidation of democracy and human rights in the Middle East ”, the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) opened the JCP scholarship call.

These scholarships are aimed at funding a master's or doctoral program for three (3) women of Syrian, Iraqi or Kurdish origin during 2022/23 academic year. 

- Resolution (catalan)