University Master's Degrees The UAB offers high quality graduate programmes
List of official master's degree belonging to the field of engineering and technology
Name Type Places Modality
Advanced Biotechnology UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology UAB University Master's Degree 30 places Classroom-based learning
Biological and Environmental Engineering UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Computer Vision Inter-University 30 places
Geoinformation UAB University Master's Degree 20 places

Classroom-based learning

Health Data Science Inter-University
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Inter-University 30 places

Classroom-based learning

Master in Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design Inter-University
Modelling for Science and Engineering UAB University Master's Degree 30 places Classroom-based learning
Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation Inter-University
Research and Innovation in Computer based Science and Engineering UAB University Master's Degree 30 places
Telecommunication Engineering UAB University Master's Degree 40 places Classroom-based learning