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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB students participate in the University Parliament Week

20 Jul 2015
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The University Parliament Week is a formative activity aiming at getting to know the Parliament through a simulation of the tasks performed in it.
More than twenty UAB students participated in the University Parliament Week. The students' participation was made through simulations of the parliamentary activity and supervised by teacher of all Catalan universities, besides the participation of members of the Parliament and othe political institutions.
In order to proceed with the simulations, the students organized themselves in groups that meet their areas of knowledge and interests. So there were students performing as legal advisors, as language advisors, as well as journalist or members of the parlamentary groups.
Each student was randomely assigned to one of the seven parlamentary groups that exist nowadays at the Catalan Parliament. Once they are assigned a group, the students participate in the formation of the government, in the negotiations to stablish possible coalitions, in the investiture debate and in the parlamentary comissions, among others. In all of these processes, students get legal and linguistic advise from other students and the students assigned to the press group perform a follow-up on the matters on the media (press, radio and TV).
Once the week is over, students participated on the writting of a bill, a proposal for a resolution and an interpellation, meanwhile they had programmatic discussions on political matters in each of the parlamentary comissions. 
Through this activity the Parliament tries to approach university students and open its doors so the professionals-to-be would be aware of the parlamentary task and how representative democracy works.
