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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Tribute paid to those who retired in 2022

19 Oct 2023
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On 19 October at 12 noon, the UAB held a tribute in the conference hall of the Rectorat building for former UAB staff members. The event include the attendance of Rector Javier Lafuente, General Secretary Esther Zapater, and Manager Jaume Tintoré.

Acte d'homenatge al personal jubilat

The UAB paid tribute to the people who retired in 2022, in a ceremony that took place in the Rectorat building's conference hall on 19 October at 12 noon.

This very emotional meeting brought together all the staff, both teaching and research, and service staff, who retired in 2022, after working for many years at the UAB, some of them for their entire working lives.

Esther Zapater, secretary general, recalled that "we are all a community and we have worked together to make this university one of the best in the world" and then thanked all the staff for their dedication because "this university is what it is today thanks to all of you". "Your contribution has been paramount," she added. She also referred to the memories that people have left after their time at the UAB.

She then gave the floor to Ricard Marcos, retired professor, who spoke on behalf of the teaching and research staff. Marcos reviewed his career at the UAB and explained why he is still linked to the UAB. "Now I am co-director of outside projects and I really enjoy it". He then wished good luck to his colleagues who have decided to start a new chapter in their lives.

Jaume Tintoré, manager, addressed a few words to the attendees, stressing that "throughout your life, there have surely been times when you have been working on your own commission or initiative and have not been sufficiently recognised. Today is a day to have this recognition". He also stressed that "you are part of a generation that carries the culture of effort and commitment within. These values have become part of the culture of the UAB because you have accompanied this institution all these years. The UAB has grown and understands itself by looking at all of you".

The manager gave way to a speech by Tere Asenjo, a retired administrator, who spoke on behalf of the administration and services staff. She began her speech by saying that "technology is very important, but we must not forget the proximity of people. People make up the university. Behind every success, there is a person". She went on to add: "We are part of that university community of which I am very proud." She stressed the important role of the administration and services staff in helping the teaching and research staff do their work. She ended by saying that "now I am the owner of my time" and reiterated, "I am very proud to be part of the UAB but now I am dedicating myself to my family".

The members of the presidential board then presented a gift to each of the retirees.

Rector Javier Lafuente closed the ceremony by remarking that "UAB is the best university thanks to its people" and also "it is effort, dedication, vocation and leadership". He acknowledged the lack of staff and ended by thanking them for their work and reminded them that "UAB will always be your home. The UAB is part of you".

The event was also followed live and was recorded on the UAB YouTube channel. The photographs of the event have been included in a tribute album.
