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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Tomorrow the eliminatory phase of the University Debate League begins

26 Apr 2021
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On April 27, 28 and 29, the elimination phase of the Xarxa Vives University Debate League will be held. The team in charge of representing the UAB will have to debate whether "The current educational system guarantees the progress of people." The event will take place online from the Agora Building on campus. The winners will face the semi-finals on May 5.

Fase Eliminatòria Lliga de Debat Universitaria

The champion team will receive € 2,500, the runner-up team € 1,200 and the best speaker € 300

From April 27 to 29, the eliminatory phase of the Xarxa Vives University Debate League will be disputed. Pau Hernàndez, Elia Valpuesta, Anna Asensi and Dominik András will be the students who will represent the team of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The event, organized by the Community Involvement Unit, will be held online from the Agora Building on campus. The winners of the UAB Debate League will have to play 4 virtual debates of a maximum duration of 16 minutes in turns of 2 minutes.

This year's theme is "Does the current educational system guarantee the progress of people?". That will be the question on which the participants will have to demonstrate their communication skills to defend two positions (for and against). The UAB team will debate: against Pompeu Fabra University, on Tuesday, April 27 at 9:15 am; against the Polytechnic University of Valencia, on Tuesday April 27 at 3:15 pm; against the Rovira i Virgili University on Wednesday, April 28 at 1:45 p.m. and against the Miguel Hernández University of Elche on Thursday, April 29 at 12:15 p.m.

If the team is the winner of the knockout phase, they will face the semi-finals next Wednesday, May 5. On Friday May 7 the grand final will be held between the best two teams that have participated. The champion team will receive € 2,500, the runner-up team € 1,200 and the best speaker € 300.

The University Debate League is a dialectical competition aimed at university students, in which different teams of students debate a controversial and current topic. The objective of the competition is to encourage the use of the word and enhance skills such as teamwork, argumentation and staging and relationships with students from other universities.

All the news about the contest can be consulted on the Suma't al Debat blog at the UAB and its Twitter profile.
