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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB 'Viu la Cultura' card offers a unique opportunity for students' cultural enrichment

18 Jul 2023
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The UAB and the Viu Culture Unit continue to promote cultural enrichment and the active participation of students in university life through the activity 'Viu la Cultura', the UAB cultural card, which allows students to enjoy the cultural programme organised on campus and at the same time obtain ECTS credits.

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During the 22-23 academic year, more than fifty UAB students enjoyed the cultural programme available with this card. The main objective of the cultural card is to stimulate students' critical capacities and creativity, inviting them to attend and actively participate in a wide variety of cultural activities organised by Cultura en Viu. From talks and screenings to dance performances, concerts and film cycles, this initiative offers a range of cultural proposals for all tastes.

In addition, the 'Viu la Cultura' activity is an opportunity for members of the university community to broaden their cultural background and to be critical observers in these activities.

Participants are required to attend a minimum of 20 activities throughout the course, which take place in various halls and cultural programme spaces on the UAB campus, such as the UAB Cinema and The UAB Theatre. To accredit attendance, each participant must bring their cultural card and stamp it at each activity, in addition to signing a registration form.

Moreover, as part of the cultural card experience, participants have to write a review based on one of the activities they have attended. This task allows students to reflect on and deepen the cultural content they have experienced.

One of the most outstanding advantages of participating in this programme is the possibility of obtaining 2 ECTS credits, which are awarded to students who accredit their attendance to the 20 required activities. This is an additional incentive for UAB students, who can combine cultural enrichment with obtaining academic credits.

Activity schedules may vary according to the proposed programme, so students can adapt their participation to their personal agendas.

If you are interested in taking part in this initiative and enjoying the cultural enrichment offered by the UAB, you can register for the cultural card on our website. The price is 5 euros for members of the UAB community. In addition, students who purchase the card will receive the Cultura en Viu newsletter every two weeks, with the latest cultural news from the campus. The card can be picked up at the Cultura en Viu office, located in the Agora building in Civica Square.

With the UAB cultural card, students have the opportunity to explore new cultural horizons, broaden their knowledge and actively participate in the vibrant artistic activities on campus. If you would like more information about our activities, the programme or any artistic concerns you would like to share, you can contact us via email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, our social networks or our Telegram channel, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so that you don't miss out on any new developments in the programme. 
