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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB has a new winner of the "Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition

07 May 2024
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Gala Pujol Infantes, student of the PhD programme in Cell Biology, won first prize in this year's UAB "Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition. The award comes with a cash prize of 800 euros and the change to represent the UAB at the final competition, organised by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation, which will be held on 27 June in Tarragona.

Gala Pujol Infantes, guanyadora del concurs «Tesi en 4 Minuts» de la UAB d'aquest any
Gala Pujol Infantes, winner of the "Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition

Gala Pujol Infantes will participate as the representative of the UAB in the final of the "Present Your Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition, which will take place on 27 June in Tarragona and can be followed live on the FCRI's YouTube channel. The competition, organised by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation, includes the participation of all Catalan universities and awards three prizes to the best presentations: €3,000 (jury), €2,000 (jury) and €1,000 (audience).

The second prize of the UAB jury, worth 500 euros, went to José Antonio Bueno Mancebo, student in the PhD programme in Environmental Science and Technology, for the presentation "De la basura a tu cara" [From the garbage to your face]. Bueno was also the winner of the audience award of 200 euros.

The Assumpció Català i Poch special award for the promotion and encouragement of the Catalan language, endowed with 300 euros, went to Zainab Ul Kausar, student of the PhD programme in Environmental Science and Technology, with the presentation "El CO2 és un problema o una oportunitat?" [Is CO2 a problem or an opportunity?].

La competició s’ha celebrat a la sala Carles Perelló de l'Escola de Doctorat (s'ha retransmès en directe a través del canal de YouTube de la UAB) i ha comptat amb la participació d’onze estudiants de doctorat. 

The competition was held in the Carles Perelló room of the Doctoral School (it was broadcast live on the UAB YouTube channel) and a total of eleven PhD students participated.

Guanyadors del concurs Tesi 4 Minuts UAB 2024

From left to right: Gala Pujol (1st prize), José Antonio Bueno (2nd prize and audience award) and Zainab Ul Kausar (Assumpció Català i Poch special award)


