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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Presentation of international research results on refugee and newcomer literacy

17 Nov 2020
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The final conference of the Oralpha Erasmus plus project will be held on 19 November at 3 p.m. online, in which the results of the project will be presented. All those interested in attending must sign up.


The international project Oralpha: literacy for refugees and newcomers, which included the involvement of the UAB's CER Migracions group, will hold the project's closing event online on 19 November. The event will take place at 3 p.m. and will serve to present the results of three years of research into literacy among migrants. It will include the participation of Alfons Formariz Poza, from the EICA language school, Adriana Sabater Muriel, from the La Troca community training school and César Herranz Pedriza, from the Training Commission (ACOF).

The Oralpha Erasmus plus project, which brought together five entities specialising in the teaching of newcomers in Spain, Italy, Germany and Poland, aimed to promote the inclusion of migrants and refugees whose native language differed from the language spoken in their host country. Taking into account that learning the host country's language is a vital element of citizenship and social participation, a good mastery of the language directly reduces social exclusion and poverty. The UAB's CER Migracions group monitored the theoretical and methodological quality of the project and its intellectual products, trained instructors in migration and social integration topics, and designed the MOOC Literacy for New Citizens, which soon will be available on the Coursera platform.

This iniative contains a methodological, collaborative and participative basis and, therefore, also incorporated local authorities, teachers and students participating in language and literacy courses. This helped to guarantee that the project was adapted to the real needs of people. In addition to other entities, the project was financed by the European Union's Erasmus plus programme.

To attend the online event, please sign up by clicking on this link. Once you have signed up, you will receive via e-mail a link to the Zoom meeting to be able to participate in the event.

