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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Elections for faculty representatives in the CEUAB Plenary

22 Oct 2018
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The CEUAB is the maximum representative, debate and coordination body of the university students. It is formed by the Plenary, the decision-making body, in which each faculty has four representatives, and the Executive Commission, the executive body.
Eleccions Plenari CEUAB
The Consell d’Estudiants de la UAB (CEUAB) is the maximum student representative body in UAB and its main aim is to make sure that students’ voice is heard in the decision-making body to guarantee the student community’s rights. It is formed by two organs: the Plenary and the Executive Commission.  
The CEUAB Plenary is formed by four representatives of every faculty, a student representative of the Governing Council, a student representative of the Social Council and a student representative registered in elDirectori. In total, there are 59 members that are chosen in the beginning. It is the space for debate and decision-making and, once a year; they choose the Executive Commission’s members, the organ that executes decisions taken in the Plenary.
In the next few weeks, students from all faculties are invited to choose the representatives that will take part in CEUAB’s Plenary. Each faculty will be represented by four students. All students will have the right to vote and to be voted in the representatives’ election. For this reason, each faculty will organize open sessions for all student body to choose their representatives.
All students can stand as a candidate to represent their faculty. The period to nominate yourself in the election starts when you receive the session call and ends 24h before the open session for representatives’ election. You can check CEUAB’s Plenary representatives’ election dates in the UAB website. The representatives’ mandate lasts one whole academic year with option of reelection.
For further information you can contact CEUAB at consell.estudiants@uab.cat and consult Dinamització Comunitària’s Twitter account for live information on your faculty’s elections.
