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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Conference on gender within the scientific field

02 May 2018
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The Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2) organizes a conference on "Gender and Science" at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Gènere i ciència
The Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, an independent non-profit association with the aim of promoting nanotechnological research and innovation and contributing to the dissemination and debate of science will organize a conference called 'Gender and science' this Friday, May 4th that will take place in the Faculty of Sciences and Biosciences of the UAB from 12 to 14 h.
The day will developed the theme of gender and science in order to present the current situation that gender has within the scientific and academic framework. Subject that, treated within the same formative scope, can have a great importance for the university community.
The day will begin with a seminar specialized in gender, in order to present and introduce attendees on the theme of the day. Then there will be a small snack to ease the situation and start establishing an atmosphere of debate.
Next, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm there will be a round table with five experts in different disciplines: sociology, history of science, physics and medicine. The speakers will be: Marta Sales Pardo, physicist expert in gender, complex systems and science of science at the Rovira i Virgili University; Sara Moreno Colom, sociologist and Vice-rector of Students and Employability of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Clara Florensa Rodríguez, historian of science and member of the network of communicative scientists of elPeriódico; Eva Pellicer Vilà, Deputy Director of the Nanomaterials Research Group and L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Prize (2014) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; and Elisabet Tasa Vinyals, physician and psychologist expert in gender at the University Hospital of Vic.
At the same time, an interactive exhibition on gender and science will be set up in the same faculty with the aim of giving visibility to women scientists. This meeting will be used to explain the reason for the iconography of the event and cases of discrimination based on gender in science will be exposed, to which any visitor can add their own experiences.
Attendance to the event is free but requires prior registration, as the capacity is limited. Here we provide the link: Register.
For more information we leave the contact information of the association: info@scn2.cat
