Arxiu de notícies

Logotip de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB adheres to the 15-minute halt

Due to the imprisonment of the leaders of Òmnium Cultural and Assemblea Nacional Catalana, ordered yesterday by the Audiencia Nacional, and based on a full confidence in judicial independence, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona laments what it considers a totally disproportionate and inappropriate measure. For this reason, the university today adhered to the call for a 15-minute halt at 12 noon, which took place in front of all teaching centres, with the aim of expressing rejection towards the imprisonment of Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart, at a moment in which dialogue and negotiations should be the options taken in solving the political disagreement existing today in Catalonia.


Open Access Week at the UAB

From 23 to 29 October the International Open Access Week is celebrated, a yearly initiative in which open access is promoted in the academic and research sectors. The UAB Library Service has prepared different activities in celebration of this week.


Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week

The UAB's Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week will take place from 23 to 27 October, with mobility-related activities every day for the entire community. Some of the activities will serve to compensate hours for members of the administration and services sector.

Troben gravats del Paleolític Superior a la Cova Gran de Santa Linya

Catalonia's oldest prehistoric engravings discovered

Researchers from the Centre for the Study of Prehistoric Archaeological Heritage (CEPAP-UAB) recently discovered several engravings from the Late Stone Age on the walls of the Cova Gran de Santa Linya, in the Noguera county of Lleida. These are the oldest artistic representations to have been discovered to date in Catalonia.

El professor Jesús Alturo i la investigadora predoctoral Tània Alaix.

Chartae Latinae Antiquiores Cataloniae published

The international Chartae Latinae Antiquiores series now includes two new volumes dedicated to Catalonia, which is comprised of almost 100 original documents from the 9th century or before, studied and edited by UAB Professor Jesús Alturo, with the collaboration of pre-doctoral researcher Tània Alaix.