Arxiu de notícies

The Third Half publicació

Tools for advancing towards a mentally healthy research career

UAB researchers have published The Third Half, towards the creation of healthier research careers, a compendium of international articles on mental health problems and well-being management affecting young researchers and on evidence-based strategies to help promote positive mental health and reduce stigma. These strategies include the University programme "Tercer Temps", which has been running successfully for the past three years.

Joan B. Culla

Professor Joan Baptista Culla passes away

Joan Baptista Culla Clarà, retired professor of the Department of Modern and Early Modern History of the UAB, has left us. The ceremony will take place on 1 December at 11 am, at the Monastery of Sant Cugat del Vallès. The University extends its deepest condolences to his family and friends and to all those who knew and appreciated him, and shares the sadness felt by his passing.

Premiats Amics UAB

AmicsUAB awards the people and organisations standing out for their contributions to the UAB

The AmicsUAB association held its annual festival in which it awarded individuals and organisations in recognition for their contributions to the UAB. The event took place on 16 November in Barcelona. The "Amic dels Amics" awards went to professor Xavier Montalbán, head of the Neurology Unit at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital; Jesús Alturo and Tània Alaix, palaeographers who certified the oldest text written in Catalan; and Margarita Arboix, former rector of the UAB. The technological centre EURECAT was awarded a group prize, while the Lynx publishing house and lecturer Martí Pumarola received the "Amic de les Biblioteques" award.


The first non-heterosexual couple of female "gegantes" in Catalonia is born, fruit of an award-winning work at the UAB

UAB master's degree student David Caelles Fernández has designed, built and financed the first giantesses couple in Catalonia - which were presented on Saturday 11 November in Solsona - to show people and groups normally excluded from popular culture and the world of gegants. The project received recognition from the UAB Observatory for Equality as one of the best final projects with a gender perspective in the bachelor's degree in Humanities, in the latest call for the award.


First ever "gigantes" couple in Catalonia, the result of a TFG at the UAB

UAB master's degree student David Caelles Fernández has designed and built the first giantesses couple in Catalonia - which were presented on Saturday 11 November in Solsona - to show people and groups normally excluded from popular culture and the world of gegants. The project received recognition from the UAB Observatory for Equality as one of the best final projects with a gender perspective in the bachelor's degree in Humanities, in the latest call for the award.

inauguració exposició dones pioneres

Opening of the exhibition "Pioneering Women of the European Union"

Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín, professor of the Jean Monnet Chair at the UAB, inaugurated the exhibition "Pioneering Women of the European Union" in the foyer of the Faculty of Economics and Business studies on Wednesday 25 October. The exhibition pays tribute to ten exceptional women who contributed to the development of the European Union by defending the values of equality, freedom, democracy, solidarity, diversity and respect for human rights.


First congress on the figure and works of writer Sebastià Juan Arbó

The UAB organises the First Sebastià Juan Arbó Congress in collaboration with the Amposta Town Council, which will be held on 25 and 26 October. The congress aims to be the first large academic event bringing together researchers and specialists in the figure and works of this author, translator and journalist, and forms part of the commemoration of his 120th birth anniversary.