Arxiu de notícies


The UAB launches the BiciBus UAB

From 17 to 21 April, the UAB launches a new initiative under the name of BiciBus UAB: volunteers that will act as guides and accompany people on bike from different cities to the UAB campus. The goal is to help new bikers discover the routes to be used to get to and from campus. There will be volunteers in Cerdanyola, Sabadell, Sant Quirze, Sant Cugat, Terrassa, Barcelona (Renfe Sant Andreu Arenal) and la Llagosta.

Liquen amenaçat i protegit identificat al biioblitz UAB 2023

The UAB's 2nd Bioblitz brings together 170 participants who identified an endangered and protected lichen

In the 2023 edition of the UAB's Bioblitz, participants detected for the first time on campus the presence of the lichen Waynea stocechadiana, considered a vulnerable species in Catalonia, in addition to identifying 260 animal and plant species. Thanks to these two editions and other contributions by campus users, the UAB has managed to register 645 different species and conducted almost 1800 observations, which can be consulted at the iNaturalist project "Biodiversitat del campus UAB".

Visites al Campus Online T2

The Campus visits YouTube version are back!

Àlex Figueruelo stars in the third season of the UAB's campus visits, YouTube version, a series of videos where you can find out about the exchange programmes offered by the university.


The UAB awards 46 final projects with a gender perspective

On 22 March, the UAB Observatory for Equality held an awards ceremony at the conference hall of the Rectorat building in recognition of the 46 top bachelor's degree final projects (TFG) with a gender perspective. This is the 7th edition of a pioneering award among all universities in Spain. This year, 46 students from 11 different teaching centres received the award, from a total of 102 final projects submitted.

Campus de Bellaterra

Services on campus from 3 to 6 April

As in recent years, all centres of the UAB's Bellaterra Campus will be closed during the Spring Break, from 3 to 6 April 2023. Only certain services will be operating on campus.



Sixth edition of the "Thesis in 4 minutes" to be held on 17 May

The UAB will be holding a new edition of its "Thesis in 4 minutes" competition, in which PhD students are asked to explain their research in a maximum of four minutes. Candidates may submit their applications until 12 noon on 27 March, and the competition will take place in front of a jury on 17 May.

Solitud a Stromboli

«Solitude in Stromboli», the literature of Caterina Albert and the cinema of Roberto Rossellini, two universes connected in a play

On Wednesday 1 March, at 1 p.m., the UAB Theatre will host the premiere of the play «Solitude in Stromboli. Dreams, signs and symbols», a production that delves into the parallel universes of the play Solitude by Caterina Albert and the film Stromboli by Rossellini and highlights the plot and descriptive coincidences between the Italian director's film and the novel of the famous Catalan writer.