The Dean's Office

Dean's Office


   The tasks of the Faculty are to:

  1. Ensure that the principles and objectives set out in the preamble of these regulations are always observed.
  2. Draw up and review study plans for the courses taught, in accordance with the directives of the university's governing bodies.
  3. Draw up proposals for the creation of new courses and teaching, and collaborate in the organisation of postgraduate and continuous education activities.
  4. Organise, coordinate and supervise teaching activities, especially in relation to the teaching carried out and the teaching staff's duties.
  5. Issue academic certificates and oversee the registration process, the transfer and validation of academic records, as well as other academic administration processes.
  6. Make proposals to the Governing Council for improving teaching efficiency, creating sections to coordinate teaching aimed at obtaining one or several qualifications.
  7. Organise, coordinate and supervise the management of services offered by the Faculty.
  8. Propose reasoned modifications to the Faculty administration and services staff posts, under the terms proposed in Chapter III of the UAB Statutes.
  9. Manage the budget and the assigned human and materials resources.
  10. Establish relationships with other departments, faculties or schools to guarantee coordinated teaching and rational academic and administrative management.
  11. Make suggestions to departments about the application and development of their study plans.
  12. Be familiar with the research activity of the departments that have spaces for that activity assigned within the centre.
  13. Promote improvements in teaching quality and take part in teaching evaluation processes.
  14. Promote cultural, training and outreach activities.
  15. Act as a channel for information, presentation and participation among the members of the university community on the University’s governing bodies and in the University’s relationship to society.
  16. Make proposals to the governing bodies for agreements with other institutions. 
  17. Carry out any other tasks that the University Statutes or Regulations deem necessary. 


The governing bodies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts are the Faculty Board, the Permanent Board and the Dean's team.

The Faculty also includes the following figures: study coordinators and sub-coordinators of the courses provided, general exchange programme coordinators, the Faculty's Election Board and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities' Student Assembly. 

The Faculty Board is the collective governing body of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and it is made up of representatives of the academic staff, trainee research staff involved in teaching activity in the Faculty, students’ representatives from all courses taught at the Faculty, as well as representatives from the administration and services staff. 

The Permanent Board, delegated by the Faculty Board, is the ordinary governing body of the Faculty. It consists of the Dean and the members of her Dean's team, Faculty course coordinators, a representative of the academic teaching staff from each of the departments in the Faculty (who must also be a member of the departmental management team) two representatives of the temporary lecturers in the Faculty, four representatives of the administration and service staff, the administrator of the centre and the head of Faculty academic management, one representative of the postgraduate grant holders with teaching responsibilities in the Faculty departments, and the same number of student representatives as the number of lecturers on the Permanent Board who are not members of the Dean’s team at the time of the elections.

The Faculty Secretary is also a member of the Permanent Board. 

Dean's Office contact:

Dean's secretary:  M.Carmen Ruiz Fernández
Phone number: +34 93 581 1607