Arxiu de notícies

Bicicleta Facultat de Veterinària

Bike to the UAB and win prizes

The UAB opens a new period in which members of the univeristy community can participate in the “Bike to the UAB” challenge. All kilometres biked by participants from 15 February to 15 March will be registered.

Setmana Saludable i Sostenible

Health and Sustainability Week

The UAB will celebrate its 9th Health and Sustainability Week from 16 to 20 April: over 50 activities (workshops, conferences, races, sports, and many more) open to all members of the university community with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle. On Wednesday and Thursday there will also be food trucks and live music.

Dia de la Dona al SAF 2018

Women's Day at the SAF

On 8 March, the UAB's Physical Activity Service (SAF) opens its doors to celebrate International Women's Day with activities designed especially for women. Registration is free and allows visitors to attend all of the day's programmed activities.

L'ADN revela l'impacte del “fenomen campaniforme”  als europeus prehistòrics

Ancient DNA reveals impact of the “Beaker Phenomenon” on prehistoric Europeans

The largest study of ancient DNA ever conducted demonstrates that the spreading of new types of pottery styles from the Iberian Peninsula to the centre of the continent were not due to migratory movements, but rather expresses the development of new forms of communication between regions. The study included the participation of UAB researchers Roberto Risch and Ignacio Soriano.