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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

CALL OPEN - 2nd edition YERUN Research Mobility Awards 2018-2019

16 oct. 2018
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YERUN Researcher Mobility Awards are competitive awards for PhD students, post-doc and early career researchers, equivalent to Euraxess Research Profiles R1 (up to the point of PhD) and R2 (PhD holders, post-doc or equivalent who are not yet fully independent or until 8 years since completion of PhD) from YERUN Universities.

YERUN Researcher Mobility Awards are competitive awards for PhD students, post-doc and early career researchers, equivalent to Euraxess Research Profiles R1 (up to the point of PhD) and R2 (PhD holders, post-doc or equivalent who are not yet fully independent or until 8 years since completion of PhD) from YERUN Universities.

The programme provides support for researchers to undertake a minimum of 1-week stay at one or two other YERUN partner institutions from a different country. The programme provides a platform to:

  • work with other YERUN academics on a research project, publication, or new collaborative activity.
  • promote multi-disciplinary research across the YERUN network.
  • enrich the research and training opportunities for PhD students, early career and postdoctoral scholars within the YERUN network.

A YERUN Researcher Mobility Award provides a flat-rate award to cover your expenses during your research visit (1,000 Euros) (please note that this amount may be subject to tax withholding). You will not have to provide receipts and it is your responsibility to arrange your travel and accommodation.

Eligibility criteria

  • You must be a current “early career” member of staff, researcher or PhD student [Euraxess Research Profiles R1 and R2] at one of the YERUN institutions- https://www.yerun.eu/about-yerun/. Researchers from non- YERUN institutions are not eligible.
  • Researcher Mobility Awards will only be used to visit other YERUN institutions in a country different than your home institution.
  • You must agree to submit a short report on the outcomes shortly after your visit and a follow-up report describing any subsequent research collaborations with YERUN partners no later than one year after the award. This information will be used for YERUN Communication and Evaluation activities.
  • All applications must be submitted with a letter of support signed by the department that will host your visit.
  • Researchers that have been previously awarded a RMA are not eligible to apply.
  • Please read the full call for applications before submitting your proposal. The visit must be organised within the year 2019.

Link to submit your application
For questions regarding research teams and researchers, please contact the YERUN Coordinator of the institution concerned: List YERUN Coordinators.

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