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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

University community can now access the MATLAB platform

02 Oct 2019
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MATLAB is a software platform used by universities around the world. The UAB has now acquired a license which will allow the whole university community to use it on both university and personal devices. The knowledge it offers is highly valued at professional level.
Young man working on the computer
Young woman working on the computer
The UAB has acquired a MATLAB license for all of its university community members to use the software products made available by this platform, without limitations. It includes more than one hundred specialised academic and research tools, and can be used on computers both on campus and at home.

MATLAB (the abbreviation of matrix laboratory) is one of the top programming languages and is used by a number of universities around the world. It has grown throughout the years as a programming environment for data analysis, algorithm development, visualisation and numerical computing. It is developed by the company MathWorks, specialised in mathematical software for scientists and engineers, and has become a highly outstanding tool within the field of artificial intelligence.

The campus license is available to teaching and research staff as well as students. Its software can be installed in both university computers and in personal devices. In addition, through the use of this platform, students will acquire experience and skills highly valued in fields such as aerospace, robotics, medicine, technologies applied to education, etc.

How to Access

To access this product, please visit the MathWorks-UAB portal: https://es.mathworks.com/academia/tah-portal/universitat-autonoma-de-barcelona-40811157.html.

Once inside the website, users will be asked to start their session ("Inicie sesión para empezar a utilizarlos") by introducing their UAB e-mail address. The first time users enter the website, they will need to create a new account ("Crear cuenta") by introducing their UAB e-mail address. Users should NOT use the same password they use for their UAB e-mail address.

Once inside the session, users must download and install Matlab and its toolboxes by clicking on "Download installer" and going to the page from which to download the application. Once the application is installed, it can be opened and used by following these steps: Sign in or connect to Mathworks with a user ID: type in the e-mail address and click on the toolboxes to be installed.

