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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB ranks 203rd in the QS Rankings

06 Sep 2016
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The QS World Rankings recently published this year's results and places the UAB at number 203 worldwide. The university moves up and becomes the second highest ranking university in Spain. In Veterinary Medicine, the UAB improves to become 21st worldwide.
The thirteenth edition of the QS World Rankings places the UAB in 203rd position among the over 916 universities examined worldwide, and in second position among Spanish universities, behind the UB (166).
The QS Rankings are based on four pillars: research, teaching, employability, and internationalisation. They use six indicators: academic reputation, reputation amongst businesses, ratio of students per faculty, citations, internationalisation of faculties and ratio of international students.
The UAB stands out especially in academic reputation (117), citations (291) and reputation amongst businesses (332).
In areas of knowledge, Veterinary Medicine stands out in position 21 and is the top university in Spain in this area. It also leads Spanish universities in the areas of Education and Environmental Science, Geography, Modern Languages and Physics, and shares its position with the UB in the 50 to 100 range; and in Psychology and Political and Administration Sciences, together with the UPF, also in the 50 to 100 range. The UAB ranks 128 in Natural Sciences, 140 in Social Sciences, 164 in Medicine and Health Sciences and in Humanities, and 227 in Engineering and Technology.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US), Stanford University (US) and Cambridge University (UK) are the three top universities of the ranking.
The results of the rankings can be seen at www.topuniversities.com.
