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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Two more Catalan universities join Generalitat health prevention and promotion programmes

15 Jan 2019
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Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat de Lleida join the Generalitat’s health prevention and promotion programmes in Catalan universities, of which UAB is also a member.

Programa FAS Salut
Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and Universitat de Lleida (UdL) join the Generalitat’s health prevention and promotion programmes in Catalana universities, of which UAB is also a member since 1999 with the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS). This programme is supported by the Drug addiction General Subdirectorate.
The FAS Health Programme aims to encourage a healthy lifestyle among UAB students, understanding health not only as a lack of sickness but also a bio-psycho-social wellbeing state. This programme provides reliable information to young university students for them to be able to make responsible decisions with the information and resources they are given.
FAS programme promotes the participation of students who, previously trained, become Health Agents in the Xiringu (an information point that you can find in faculties) and also can participate in the programme’s awareness activities. Two monographic trainings on Health and Sexuality & Affectivity will be open to the whole UAB community. FAS also offers branches and diffusion of entities and resources beyond what the UAB campus offers.
