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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB to celebrate its 14th Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week

04 Oct 2019
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Bike Day will be celebrated on 29 October, the key day of the 14th Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week. The 14th Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week activities for members of the university community will take place from 28 to 31 OCtober.
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Under the slogan “Climate Emergency: the UAB Acts!”, the UAB will celebrate from 28 to 31 October its 14th Sustainable and Safe Mobility Week, with the aim of making the campus community aware, within the framework of the SIS Campus, of the economic, environmental and social advantages of using active means (walking and by bicycle), collective public transport and the rationalization of the private fossil-fueled vehicle in daily trips.

This is an event that falls within the framework of the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals, in the European Institutional Commission call, and is a key element of the cross-cutting strategic line 2 and 3 of "Awareness" and "Participation" of the UAB Mobility Plan 2018-2024.

During the week, the campus community may participate in various activities such as: photo contest in Instagram, BiciUAB Operation, Digue'ns la teva, courses and workshops, among others. Specifically, on 29 October the most significant day of the week will take place, Bike Day. Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., activities will be held in the Plaça Cívica and the whole community is invited.

Some of the activities, with prior registration requirement, will be subject to hourly compensation by UAB staff and credit recognition by students.

Check the catalogue of activities by clicking here.
