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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB launches a new crowdfunding initiative

20 Dec 2019
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With this new platform, the university aims to encourage social participation and advance in finding solutions to the challenges faced by today's society. The three first crowdfunding programmes included a study to promote new lines of research to discover antibiotic-producing bacteria, an archaeological dig in Egypt and a campaign to help refugees continue their university studies.
Micromecenatge UAB
The UAB recently launched its crowdfunding platform Micromecenatge UAB, through which individuals, entities, organisations and companies can collaborate to help fund research projects and solidarity programmes.

The initiative encourages social participation as a way to advance in finding solutions to current challenges and is directly related to the commitment the University has set in terms of providing answers to social challenges through the creation and transfer of knowledge and the development of programmes for a more supportive, fairer and inclusive society.

Until now, the platform has presented three programmes: the most recent corresponds to the MicroMón Project, which aims to encourage secondary school students to become interested in a career in science and technology related to one of this century's most important human health challenges: bacteria resistant to antibiotics. The programme, directed by Professor Montserrat Llagostera from the Department of Genetics and Microbiology, focuses on practical sessions in which students participate in a real research project at their schools through a service learning strategy. The objective of the programme is combined with community involvement, which allows obtaining a collection of possible antibiotic producing bacteria which is then made available to the scientific community.

The archaeological dig campaign Treballant a l’ombra de les piràmides is a project focused on the excavation and documentation of the necropolis dating back to the period of Pharaoh Kom el-Khamaseen, located in the desert plains of Saqqara, Egypt. The university's Egyptology team, led by Josep Cervelló, lecturer of the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies, has already conducted several digs at the site. In 2020, the team will perform another detailed dig and documentation aimed at revealing all of the secrets hidden in these ancient burial grounds. Participating will be a team of fifteen Egyptologists, formed by archaeologists, epigraphists, topographic surveyors, ceramologists, restorers and anthropologists, alongside four experts on Ancient Egypt and thirty specialised workers.

Finally, the solidarity campaign Beques #UABRefugi, already closed, aimed at broadening the grants awarded to refugee students with the objective of helping them continue their university studies. These grants are part of the programme to house refugees, entitled “Acollida de persones en busca de refugi a la UAB” and which is run by the Solidarity Foundation (Fundació Autònoma Solidària). They facilitate the access to and continuity of studies of university students who have been forced to flee their countries and abandon their academic studies. The campaign raised a total of €13,000.

Crowdfunding UAB offers detailed information on each of its projects, as well as on how to make a donation and related tax benefits.

The platform is managed by the UAB's Area of Digital Transformation and Organisation. For more information please send an e-mail to: a.transformacio.digital.organitzacio@uab.cat
