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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB hosts an exhibition dedicated to the artist Nazario Luque and queer dissidence

09 Jun 2023
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The exhibition “Art and dissidence in times of repression and liberation” arrives at the UAB Exhibition Hall to show the revolutionary work of the artist Nazario Luque and to highlight the continuity of the current demands of the queer collective, fifty years after its beginnings. The exhibition, which is commissioned by the students of the Art Criticism and Dissemination module of the Master in Management and Analysis of Artistic Heritage of the UAB, can be visited from June 15 to July 31, and from September 4 to 19, Monday to Friday and from 10 am to 7 pm, at the UAB Exhibition Hall, located in the Communication and General Newspaper Library. The presentation of the exhibition will take place on Tuesday 27 June, at 1 pm.

Anarcoma, un dels personatges més coneguts de Nazario Luque

Nazario Luque, known artistically as Nazario, was a prominent Spanish countercultural artist and cartoonist born in 1944 in Castilleja del Campo, Seville. He is considered one of the pioneers in the artistic representation of themes related to homosexuality, sex and gender in cartoons. His work, transgressive and provocative, challenged social norms and gave voice and visibility to the queer collective in an era marked by repression and sexual liberation. Nazario became a symbol of resistance and dissidence, and his artistic production continues to be relevant and current nowadays, standing out for his ability to confront social and political issues from the margins.

The exhibition, commissioned in close collaboration with the artist himself, offers a re-reading of Nazario's career from the perspective of commissioners who, despite not having lived the LGBTIQ+ demands of the last century, feel represented by them. Through a chronological journey that reaches from the Spanish Transition to the present day, the artist's work is contextualized within the situation of the LGBTIQ+ collective in Spain, transporting the public to the socio-political moment in which each piece exhibited was created in order to fully understand the transgressive nature of these works.

From his early works such as La piraña divina, through the iconic comics starring the emblematic Anarcoma in the magazine El Víbora, to his most recent lithographs and photographs of intimate and social themes, these are some of the pieces that the public can enjoy in this exhibition, which establish the creation of a dialogue where work and artist merge into a single whole that breaks with established norms to make dissident identities visible.

The exhibition “Art and dissidence in times of repression and liberation” will be open to the public from June 15 to July 31 and from September 4 to 19 of 2023, at the UAB Exhibition Hall, located in the Communication Library and General Newspaper Library Building, in the Civica Square. Do not miss this opportunity to discover the work of a visionary artist and reflect on the validity of queer claims in today's society. The presentation of the exhibition will take place on Tuesday 27 June, at 1 pm.

If you would like more information about our activities, the programme or any artistic concerns you would like to share, you can contact us via email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, our social networks or our Telegram channel, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so that you don't miss out on any new developments in the programme.

