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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB and the Cerdanyola del Vallès City Council hold the 2023 Literary Awards Ceremony

04 May 2023
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The UAB and the Cerdanyola del Vallès Town Council will hold the award ceremony for the 2023 edition of the Literary Prizes they jointly organize on 11 May at 6pm. Both institutions will announce the original winners of the XXIX "Valldaura-Memorial Pere Calders" Novel Prize, the XXVIII "Miquel Martí i Pol" Poetry Prize and the XIV "Caterina Albert" Short Narrative Prize for Young People. The event will be held at the UAB Theatre and can be followed live on the UAB YouTube channel.

Premis Literaris 2023

During the celebration of the event, the stable group of the Theatre Classroom of the UAB, under the direction of Ricard Gázquez, will offer a selection of scenes from the play Amor i informació, a theatrical text by Caryl Churchill (2012) that aims to generate dialogue and reflect on love and interpersonal relationships in the age of digital communication.

The event will be hosted by Enric To, student of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the UAB, and will feature speeches by Carlos Cordón, Mayor of Cerdanyola del Vallès Town Council; Rosa Maria Sebastián Pérez, Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship at the UAB; and Óscar Pons, Councillor for Culture at Cerdanyola del Vallès Town Council.

Last December, the UAB Publications Service published the winning works of the 2022 Literary Awards and held a colloquium at the Èfora bookshop in Cerdanyola del Vallès. At the same event, the call for entries for the 2023 edition of the awards, which received entries until February, was also presented. The different juries for each type of prize (novel, poetry and short story) are made up of prominent people from the current literary and academic scene, winners of the competitions in previous editions and people linked to the city of Cerdanyola del Vallès.

If you would like more information about our activities, the programme or any artistic concerns you would like to share, you can contact us by email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, through our social networks or our Telegram channel, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter so that you don't miss out on any new developments in the programme.
