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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Take part in the choice of the poster for the Festa Major 2019!

16 Sep 2019
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The deadline for the presentation of poster proposals for the Festa Major 2019 is over and now the UAB community can have a say and vote its favourite proposal on the Facebook page FMUAB.
Vota el cartell de la FM19!
UAB Festa Major is an event where all the university community gather to celebrate and claim together. This year, UAB has chosen the climate crisis as its central topic and to be the slogan for the activities on November 7th and the activities that will be held during the whole academic year 2019/2020.

The contest for the FMUAB poster is the opening shot of this event and this edition more than 30 proposals were presented by UAB students, administration and services staff and alumni. The contest was opened to participation on the month of July 2019 and each participant could present a maximum of two proposals, which had to include the FMUAB slogan: “Climate Emergency: UAB takes action!”

The deadline to present proposals ended on September 15th 2019 and now the period for popular voting is opened. You can find all the proposals put to the vote on Facebook FMUAB site.  The three most voted proposals will get through directly to the final, where a jury formed by the Vice-Rector for Students and Employability, a member from the Community Involvement unit, a member from Cultura en Viu unit and a member from the Communication team will decide the winning poster.

The winning poster, which will be the image for FMUAB19 and will receive a price if 300€, will be announced on October.
