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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Sixteen interuniversity cooperation projects to receive the support of the Solidarity Fund

12 Jun 2024
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As a university committed to reaching planetary goals, the UAB is working on promoting cooperation and solidarity actions that can offer Global Justice the expertise and potential of its community. Coordinated by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, the UAB Solidarity Fund will be funding sixteen projects with a Global Justice perspective which will be conducted by UAB students and lecturers.

Resolució Fons de Solidaritat 2024

The projects selected in the UAB's FS XLI 2023-2024 call, which provides funding for 10 projects presented by UAB adminstrative staff and lecturers, will be conducted in alliance with universities and educational and civil society organisations from Brazil, Nigeria, Dominican Republic and Mozambique. The proposals are related to sexual and reproductive health, information coverage of immigration, education for global justice and feminism.

Per la seva banda, la convocatòria E2023-2024, orientada a fomentar la participació d'estudiants de Màster i Doctorat en actuacions de cooperació s’ha resolt amb l’aprovació de 6 projectes, que posen el focus en els drets del col·lectiu LGTBI+, la justícia ambiental i l’exclusió social. Seran implementats a Uganda, Ghana, Colòmbia, Xile i Equador. 

In addition, the E2023-2024 call, aimed at promoting the participation of master's and PhD students in cooperation actions, has selected 6 projects, which focus on the rights of the LGTBI+ community, environmental justice and social exclusion. These projects will be implemented in Uganda, Ghana, Colombia, Chile and Ecuador. 

For more information please click here.
