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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Science Week 2023 to begin on 10 Nov

08 Nov 2023
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The UAB and campus research centres will be participating in offering a variety of science outreach activities which will be taking place until 19 November throughout Catalonia.

Participants a una edició anterior de la Setmana de la Ciència

Organised by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI), the 28th Science Week in Catalonia (SC’23) will be held until 19 November and will include a large number of science outreach activities which will take place all around Catalonia.


Genographic: the game of human genetic variability

Throughout the Science Week, the Faculty of Biosciences offers the possibility to participate in the online game Genographic (https://genografic.omicsuab.org). This is a board game whose main objective is to bring the public closer to learning about the genetic composition of human populations and the discovery of examples of human adaptation to diverse environments and, through these, to encourage respect for the intrinsic genetic and cultural diversity of our species, promote intercultural growth, and move towards a more sustainable development. In a leisurely way, it allows users to discover how climate, diet or metabolism determine the evolution of our species. The game has been developed with the support of the Solidarity Fund of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Adapta't: our evolutionary history read in the genome

The Faculty of Biosciences of the UAB also presents, as part of Science Week, a collection of interactive virtual activities on the website https://adaptat.omicsuab.org/activitats/ to delve into the secrets of the past that are hidden in our genomes. Current genomes preserve information about the evolutionary history of our species and can reveal how different human populations have adapted to major cultural changes, such as the transition from hunter-gatherer populations to Neolithic agricultural settlements, or how some populations manage to survive in extreme environments, such as the Inuit in freezing Arctic tundras. The activity invites members to navigate through the genomes and discover them for themselves. This year 5 new activities will be launched, bringing the total number of activities to 19. The activities will be promoted throughout the week through the Instagram account @adaptatapsuab.

Open Doors at the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC)

Until 17 November, the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona offers guided tours with research and technical staff of the CSIC, who will show the Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room and the Museum Space of Microelectronics. The public will be able to learn from CSIC staff how a silicon chip is made, how it works and what is needed to manufacture it. The space exhibits equipment used to design, manufacture and measure microelectronic devices and circuits, as well as interactive videos, information panels, and prototypes of devices and circuits. The visit includes a tour of the outdoor corridor of the Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room, one of the largest clean rooms in southern Europe.

Introductory workshop to editing in Wikipedia

On 9 November at 12:30 pm, the Library of Science and Technology hosts this workshop, an opportunity to enter the Wikimedia environment and Wikipedia editing by Toni Hermoso, specialist in the Catalan version of Wikipedia. Participants will be able to collaborate in the creation and improvement of articles related to genomics and biodiversity of the Catalan language and culture territories. The activity is organized by the Institute for Catalan Studies.

Educational Geogymkhana

Organised by the Department of Geology of the UAB and the Faculty of Science, the Geogimcana is a playful-scientific activity aimed at students of in their last year of cumpolsury secondary school and upper secondary students of Geology and Environmental Sciences with an interest in geology and other related fields (environmental sciences, chemistry, materials science, etc). Throughout the morning of 10 and 17 November, students must find five points on campus where they will have to perform tests of a geological nature, such as identifying rocks, minerals, fossils, finding the water table or simulating a volcano.

Open Doors at the Centre for Mathematical Research (CRM)

Starting at 1 p.m. on 13 November, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to four researchers explain their activities: Jezabel Curbelo, Xavier Jarque, David Romero and Alex Roxin. Each presentation will offer a unique look at their area of expertise in fields as diverse as neuroscience, dynamical systems and knowledge transfer. It is a perfect opportunity for students and anyone interested in learning about how mathematics is changing the world around us. The activity offers an in-depth look at the work being carried out at the CRM, where mathematical research merges with other disciplines, creating a unique multidisciplinary environment.

Screening of the documentary Un refugio en las estrellas

The Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) collaborates in the Amanar project, which was born as an outreach project to inspire the Sahrawi community through the observation of the universe and the development of scientific skills, as well as to foster a sense of unity under the same sky. The documentary, Un refugio en las estrellas (A Refuge in the Stars), to be screened at the UAB Cinema Hall on 13 November at 4 pm, presents an overview of the Western Sahara conflict as well as traditional Sahrawi astronomical knowledge through interviews with elderly people and wise women to exchange astronomical knowledge and record their representations of the cosmos.

Guided visit to the Catalan Institute of Palaeontology, in the ICTA-ICP building

The visit, on 15 November, allows visitors to discover how the palaeontologists of the centre and the fossil conservation and preparation team work. The ICTA-ICP building (headquarters of the Catalan Institute of Palaeontology Miquel Crusafont) will be visited and its particularities in terms of water and energy saving will be shown. There will be visits to the warehouse of the "mummies" (in palaeontological jargon, the fossils that are pending preparation) and the researchers will explain how they carry out their activities.

"Chemistry and physics as an answer" Workshop

On 15 November from 10 am to 2 pm the auditorium of the Mathematical Research Centre (CRM), in the Faculty of Science, hosts this theoretical and practical workshop. Organised by the Adamed Foundation, its aim is to raise awareness of current applications of radioactivity and chemistry. UAB lecturers Roser Maneja (Department of Geography) and Neus Puy (Department of Chemistry), and professor Valentí Rodellas (Department of Physics) will participate in the workshop, explaining the current applications of chemistry and physics. After this theoretical part, the participants will attend different experimental workshops.

Conferences on "Veus"

On 16 November the day of voices will be held, "Veus", a series of talks with the aim of sharing knowledge generated at the UAB that is transformative and inspiring for a global audience. The event will take place in the Plaça Cívica's Theatre Hall from 3 to 6:30 p.m. More information can be found on the website https://webs.uab.cat/veus/presentacio/

For more information please visit:
Full programme of the activities being held during Science Week
