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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Salvador Alegret awarded Medal of Honour by Vives Network of Universities

17 Jul 2023
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Salvador Alegret, professor in the UAB Department of Chemistry, was awarded a Medal of Honour by the Vives Network of Universities in a ceremony that took place on 14 July at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Castelló de la Plana. Carles Solà, professor in Chemical Engineering and former rector of the UAB, gave the laudatio for Professor Alegret, whom he defined as "a great scientist, a great person, and a great Catalonian".

Salvador Alegret

Professor Solà referred both to the scientific side of Alegret's career, highlighting his contribution in the field of biosensors, and his contribution to the development of the Catalan vocabulary in the field of chemistry, recalling that Professor Alegret has been closely linked to the Institute for Catalan Studies (IES).

Professor Alegret evoked the origins of his links with the UAB, which he joined during the early years of the university to do his PhD and develop his research career, and reflected on that period stating: "from the scarcity and excess of responsibility came quite solid foundations". He also used his speech to pay tribute to teachers, collaborators and colleagues such as Enric Casassas, Jordi Carbonell, Heribert Barrera, Ramon Aramon and Max Cahner: "their expertise," he said, "has accompanied me to this day".

At the same institutional event, the 5th Joan Lluís Vives Awards for university publishing were presented, in which one was awarded for La terra en perill. L'impacte d'asteroides i cometes, a work by Josep Maria Trigo, lecturer in the Department of Physics at the UAB, published by Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. The other Medal of Honour awarded at the ceremony went to journalist and writer Carme Vinyoles, who holds a degree in Journalism from the UAB. The ceremony was presided over by the rector of the Universitat Jaume I, Eva Alcón, and was attended by the rector of the UAB, Javier Lafuente.

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