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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Professor Maydo Arderiu obtained an outstanding "cum laude" qualification with 'International Doctorate' mention

04 Oct 2021
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Professor Maydo teaches several subjects in the field of Business and Economic Sciences at the Study Abroad Pre-Established programme. Her doctoral thesis is about the relationship between callings and productivity.

Maydo Arderiu - Study Abroad

Maydo Arderiu, professor of the subjects Developing Creativity & Creative Cultures in Organisations; Human Resources Management; The Creative Economy; and Managerial Skills for International Business, at the Pre-Established Programme of the Specific Programmes for International Students of the UAB, Study Abroad, obtained last June the academic rank of PhD, with the quotation of International PhD, at the International University of Catalonia (UIC), after the defence of her doctoral thesis: “It's in my blood. Examining the link between calling and productivity at work", that was qualified cum laude.

The aim of the thesis is to attempt to clarify the relationship between callings and productivity, and concludes with recommended practical interventions for companies to provide their employees with meaningful work and helping them feel the presence of callings at work while increasing their life satisfaction.

Richard Turner, director, and Elaine Heyes, academic coordinator, attended the presentation in representation of the Study Abroad team.
