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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

New year, new elections to the Faculty Board

27 Nov 2015
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The Faculty or School Board is the collegial governing body of each faculty and school. It is made up by academic staff, students and administration and services staff for each of the degrees taught at the university, and are presided by the dean or director.
The Faculty or School Board is the collegial governing body of each faculty and school. It is made up by academic staff, students and administration and services staff for each of the degrees taught at the university, and are presided by the dean or director.

The Board has a three-year mandate. However, each board's regulations may allow individual sectors to be renewed separately, as is the case with the faculties presented here. The following is an article on the elections to the Psychology and Political Sciences and Sociology faculties by the interns in collaboration with the faculties of Community Involvement.
Faculty of Psychology
The presentation of the candidates to renew the Sector C representatives of the Board of the Faculty of Psychology took place from 14 to 26 October, the electronic vote was conducted and from 9 to 11 November. Students received information about the elections via emails, from both the dean's office and from the interns in the faculty. News was laso published on the faculty website and posterswere put up in all classrooms and on the faculty’s information screens. A promotional video was also created in collaboration with Community Involvement. 25 students stood for the elections (16 in a joint candidature from the Psychology and Speech Therapy Assembly and 9 students as individual candidates). 71 of the 1,992 students registered in the faculty voted. Athough that was a low turnout rate (3.6%), it was an increase on the previous year, and the nummber of individual candidatures also increased. You can viewthe final results on the faculty’s website.

Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
On 18 and 19 November 2015, elections to Sector C were held in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology. There were two candidatures (the Political Science and Sociology Assembly and the Front Estudiantil Unitari) and it was 15 students from the Assembly that won the majority of votes. You can viewthe final results on the faculty’s website.

Two elements of the elections deserve to be highlighted. First, the electoral campaign was active and based on mutual respect among the candidates, which encouraged voting to the extent that these elections have had the highest turnout in the history of the faculty, 27.3%. Second, there was a generational replacement in Sector C representatives to the Board, whereby a number of students, that have only begun their studies are showing great interest in defending public and quality education. So2015/2016 is bringing in a new era at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, where the figure of the student stands out as a fundamental part of the UAB.
