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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

New seminar on integration of people with disabilities in the labour market: work as a crucial element

10 Nov 2016
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“Work as a crucial element for integration of disabled people in the labour market. How can we ensure the enforcement of the General Disability Act in Spanish companies?” is the title of the seminar that will be taking place on 22 November from 12:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Aula Magna of the UAB Law Faculty.
Jornada UABimpuls 22/11
The UABImpuls programme, organized by the Servei d’Atenció a la Discapacitat – PIUNE, aims to facilitate the integration of disabled graduate and undergraduate students in the labour market, taking into account that according to a study by the consultancy firm Leialta, 81% of Spanish companies continue to fail to comply with the Spanish General Disability Act (abbreviated as “GDA”).

The seminar seeks some reflection on the reasons for the non-compliance of the GDA by all the actors involved, and new strategies to improve the figures on integration of people with disabilities in the labour market.

The seminar will be presented by Elvi Vila: Cerdanyola City Councillor for Education, Culture, Public Health, Intergenerational Policy, Equality, Cooperation and Solidarity, and Jordi Prat: chair of the Solidarity Autonomous Foundation (FAS).

Speakers at the round-table:
-  Catalan autonomous government Head of Social Economy, Third-sector, Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship: Josep Vidal.
-  A PIMEC representative (to be confirmed).
-  CC.OO. trade union coordinator for Social Cohesion: Ghassan Saliba.
-  CSR-D and Diversity/Disability corporate management expert, Ramón Giró.
UAB Law Faculty lecturer Ricardo Esteban will be the moderator of the round-table and, finally, Vice-Rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, will be closing the seminar.
The seminar is open to everyone but prior registration is compulsory. Graduate and undergraduate students need to submit their registration via the Treball Campus’ Nexus application. Other attendees (teaching staff and people who are not part of the UAB community) need to submit their registration by email to fas.uab.impuls@uab.cat.
