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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Interpreters and former students talk on professional interpreting

03 May 2018
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Interpreters from institutions such as the European Parliament and the European Commission and other professionals participated in a debate on the training and professional tasks of interpreters in an event which took place on 7 May at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting offered a debate on at the Aula 004 of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting which aimed to bring together professional interpreters and former students to reflect upon the evolution of their profession and how the university has met the demands of this sector's social and professional evolution.

The event, which was moderated by Marta Arumí, Director of the new Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting (MUIC), included the participation of Margarita Arboix, Rector of the UAB; Albert Branchadell, Dean of the Faculty; Juan Carlos Jimenez, Director for Interpreter Planning and Support at the European Parliament; Javier Hernández-Saseta, Head of the Spanish Unit of Interpreters of the European Commission; Cristina Amils, member of the Associated Interpreters of Barcelona (AIB); and Aitor Martínez, former UAB student and professional interpreter.

Several event are being held throughout the 2017/18 academic year to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the UAB Faculty of Translation and Interpreting. Translation studies at the UAB began in 1972 with the University School of Translation and Interpreting (EUTI), the first centre in Spain to offer an academic programme in translation. It was not until 1992 that the school reached the status of a university faculty, with classes still being held at the Faculty of Medicine. Shortly after a building was created for the new faculty and since then it has been located on the northern axis of the Bellaterra campus.
