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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

International Open Access Week 2022

13 Oct 2022
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The UAB Libraries have organised a series of conferences for researchers and PhD students that will take place from 24 to 27 October in celebration of the International Open Access Week, a yearly initiative aimed at promoting open access in the academic and research fields.

Open Acces Week 2022

From 24 to 30 October, the International Open Access Week is celebrated around the world, an annual initiative to promote open access (OA) in the academic and research world. This year the motto is Open for Climate Justice and aims to raise awareness of how open access can be a means for climate justice.
Below are the details of the different talks that will be held to promote open access and we invite all university members to attend!


The preparation of the Data Management Plan. The experience of three UAB projects

Day: Monday, October 24, 2022
Time: 10 a.m. – 12 noon
Description: The session will begin with a brief introduction on the open data policy in the Horizon Europe program of the European Commission. Next, three researchers from the UAB, from different areas of knowledge, with European Research Council (ERC) projects will explain their experience drafting the Data Management Plan: which aspects they had to solve and how they did it.
At the end of the session, answers will be given to the doubts raised by those attending the event.
They will take part:

  • Núria Casaldàliga, Director of the Library Service. Opening of the Week of Open Access at the UAB
  • Núria Claver, Head of the International Projects Office. Presentation of the session
  • Pilar Rico, Head of the Open Access Unit, Repositories and Journals. Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
  • Carme Font. WINK Project - Trans-Genre Writing and the Gendering of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity
  • Albert Rimola. QUANTUMGRAIN Project - Quantum Chemistry on Interstellar Grain
  • Anna Schlingmann. LICCI Project - Local Indicators of Climate Change Impacts: the contribution of local knowledge to climate change research

Addressed to: PDI, PhD students and PAS who work in the field of research management
Mode: Telepresence through Teams.
Registration: It is essential to complete the registration before Friday, October 21 through the link: https://www.bib.uab.cat/formacio/inscripcio.php?id=7443
Language: Catalan, Spanish and English
Certificates: Certificates of attendance will be given
Organized by: Library Service and International Projects Office of the UAB
This act will be recorded and can be consulted later through the UAB's Digital Document Depository (DDD)


The benefits of open science for researchers

Day: Tuesday, October 25
Time: From 3 to 4 p.m.
Lecturer: Bianca Amaro. President of the Network of Open Access to Science Repositories - LA Referencia.
Addressed to: PDI, PhD students and PAS that supports research.
Mode: Virtual
Registration: It is essential to formalize the registration through the link: https://inscriu.me/ca/los-beneficios-de-la-ciencia-abierta-para-los-investigadores
Language: Spanish
Organized by: Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC). Open Science Area.
More information: https://www.csuc.cat/ca/agenda/xerrada-sobre-los-beneficios-de-la-ciencia-abierta-para-los-investigadores


Funding to publish in open access. The transformative CRUE-CSIC agreement with Elsevier

Day: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Time: 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Description with the contents to be treated:

  • Open access publication models with Elsevier: coverage of APCs (gold and hybrid journals).
  • Presentation of the EOAP (Elsevier Open Access Publishing) tool: a guide for authors.
  • Publication of book chapters in open access.
  • Sustainable development goals in Scopus: access and analysis focusing on "Climate action", UAB as an example.

At the end of the session, answers will be given to the doubts raised by those attending the event.
Lecturer: Pablo Secades Vázquez. Elsevier Research Platforms Consultant
Addressed to: PDI, PhD students and PAS that supports research
Mode: Telepresence through Teams.
Registration: It is essential to complete the registration before Monday, October 24 through the link: https://www.bib.uab.cat/formacio/inscripcio_es.php?id=7446
Language: Spanish
Certificates: Certificates of attendance will be given
Organized by: Library Service
This act will be recorded and can be consulted later through the UAB's Digital Document Depository (DDD)


Follow us on Twitter!
From October 24 to 30, follow us on the @bibliotequesUAB account with the tags #CienciaObertaUAB and #OAW2022.
We will explain how to get funding to publish openly and all the news on this topic.
Cheer up, it's a good opportunity to find out more about open access at the UAB

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality education
