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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Festa Major at the UAB

31 Oct 2017
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On Thursday 9 November the UAB will be holding its FMUAB2017 from 1 to 9 p.m.  This year's motto focuses on the visibility and normality of mental health (“La salut mental, visible i sense estigmes”) and will once again fill the campus with stands, music and dozens of cultural, solidarity and sportive activities.
The FMUAB2017 aims to make mental health visible and eliminate any related stigmas.
The FMUAB2017 will once again fill the campus with stands, music, cultural, associative and sportive activities in an event which aims to be an example of an inclusive, participative and non-sexist festival. The majority of activities will be located at the Plaça Cívica and at the Plaça del Coneixement, on the northern axis of the campus. Over 50 student association stands will be present, and numerous music groups of all styles, many of them part of the Autònoma Actua programme, will contribute to the entertainments.

The inauguration will be done at the Plaça Cívica, where there will be speeches and stories told by people who have experienced mental health issues first-hand, as well as the traditional performance by the human towers “Ganàpies”, which will also include the presence of the newly restored UAB gegants and capgrossos. Coinciding with the Festa Major, the UAB will hold its first ever UABgames from 6 to 9 November.

This past 10 October, coinciding with World Mental Health Day, the UAB presented this year's activities for its Festa Major. Mountain climber Edurne Pasaban explained her mental health story in first person, a story marked by sport achievements, but also by the personal challenge of overcoming depression. Vice Rector for Students and Employability Sara Moreno explained that she had decided to “dedicate this year to making mental health issues visible and removing any related stigmas” before she announced the winner of the FMUAB2017 poster competition, Medicine student Souha Marouan.

Please consult the complete programme of the FMUAB2017 and information on mobility, security and sustainability at the following Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FMUAB/
