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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Backlash against feminist expressions

26 Nov 2020
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The plaça Cívica’s stairs painted with the LGTBIQ flag and the banner with the slogan “We are building feminist universities” have been stained with paint. Prior to this, the mural against male violence had already been attacked.


On Wednesday 7 April, the plaça Cívica’s stairs painted with the colours of the LGTBIQ flag and the recently displayed banner commemorating the International Women’s Day, hung on the façade of the Àgora Building, were found to have scratches and large paint stains, respectively. This is not an isolated incident, given that some weeks ago sexist and misogynist messages appeared on the mural that the UAB had commissioned to the illustrator Clara Corax on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

We reject and condemn these events, interpreted as an attack to the commitment of the UAB with gender equality and the defense of LGTBIQ rights. In Susan Faludi’s words, “the anti-feminist backlash has been set off not by women’s achievement of full equality but by the increased possibility that they might win it.” The three attacked symbols will be restored over the academic year. We will continue to build feminist universities.
