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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Aula Brecht by the El Globus company to be performed in the UAB Theatre Hall

02 Nov 2023
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On 13 November at 12 noon, the UAB Theatre Hall will offer the performance of “Aula Brecht”, presented by the theatre company El Globus. The play combines texts, images and teachings of German playwright Bertolt Brecht.

imatge Aula Brecht

The performance takes place in a space that recreates a classroom, where three phrases can be read on the wall: "visc en un temps molt fosc" (I live in dark times), "així va passar el temps" (that's how time went by) and "als nascuts després" (to those born after). The actor transcribes and illustrates Brecht's words for an audience that becomes a student, conveying the profound anti-dogmatic nature of the writer. In this way, a connection is formed between the theatrical aspect of a teaching situation and the contribution of contents that come to us through stage performance.

Next Monday 13 November at 12:00 noon, the public will be able to enjoy free of charge (limited to the capacity of the theatre hall) a tribute to the work and thoughts of Bertolt Brecht, one of the most influential German poets and playwrights of the 20th century, who reflected on capitalism and the absurdity of our system at the beginning of the century. Brecht is known for his anti-authoritarian stance and his social criticism, elements that are reflected in this play, in which the twelve selected texts deal with the fear of the state and the truth.  

Directed by Carles Grau and performed by Òscar Intente, the play invites us to reflect on themes such as capitalism, anti-militarism and truth. In this way, it is presented as a critique of the current social and political situation, maintaining its relevance despite the passage of time since the original texts were written. At the same time, Òscar Intente brings a personal touch to the work, including poetic and humorous moments.

To attend the show, tickets must be reserved in advance by filling out this form.

If you would like more information on the activity, theatre programmes or any other artistic issues you would like to share with us, please send us an email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, or through our social networks or Telegram, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our newsletter and keep up to date with all the latest programmings.
