Aeronautic Management students can obtain private pilot license simultaneously with their studies
UAB Rector Javier Lafuente and President of the Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell (ACBS) Joan Nogueroles signed today a collaboration agreement that will allow students of the Aeronautical Management bachelor’s degree at the UAB to have the training for the Private Pilot License (PPL) offered by the Aeroclub recognised as curricular work placements. The ACBS will offer an edition of the course compatible in terms of schedules with those of the bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Management starting in the second semester of the 2024/25 academic year.
In his speech, Rector Lafuente highlighted the implementation of the UAB in the territory: "Knowledge is not exclusive to the university and that is why we are looking for ways to improve practical training in our environment". For his part, Nogueroles emphasised the added value that this agreement will bring to students: "Experiencing this practical side of aviation will allow students of Aeronautical Management to be better prepared for the working world". The event was also attended by Pol Gibert, first deputy mayor of the Sabadell City Council.
The UAB School of Engineering teaches the bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Management at its Sabadell campus. The syllabus of the bachelor's degree foresees that students carry out a work placement in institutions and companies, with curricular character, and the ACBS is interested in collaborating with the UAB in the practical training of the students. The Aeroclub provides the necessary training to obtain the PPL recognised and authorised by the State Aviation Safety Agency. Thanks to this agreement, an edition of the PPL course will be offered, compatible with the calendar and schedules of the degree. Students will take the 150 hours required to obtain the PPL, which include theoretical and practical training. The PPL license, which allows piloting for non-commercial purposes, should not be confused with the CPL license to become a commercial pilot, which requires a different type of training.
As is customary in the realisation of external work placements, the student will sign a specific agreement that will regulate the training project. They will have a tutor external to the university and, at the end of the work placement, the ACBS will issue a report accrediting the activities carried out and the performance achieved. The UAB will assume the cost and management of registering the students who carry out the work placement in the social security system. The student must also be covered by insurance, either the one that corresponds to them as a person enrolled at the university or another contracted by them or by the university.
This agreement, which is valid for four years and can be extended, is the first concretion of the protocol of intentions signed by the UAB and the ACBS last 7 November with the aim of consolidating and expanding the collaboration between the two institutions.
A pioneering degree
The bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Management, which lasts four years (240 ECTS credits), trains professionals for the organisation and management of airlines and for the strategic and logistical planning of an airport. It aims to respond to the needs generated by the remarkable development that the aeronautical sector has undergone in recent years worldwide. The degree has been offered since the 2009/10 academic year and the UAB was the first in Spain to offer these studies (currently they are only offered at one other Spanish university). All teaching takes place at the Sabadell campus of the UAB. Career opportunities range from commercial planning in the air and airport sectors to the strategic logistical and operational planning of an airport.
The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Quality education