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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB signs a new agreement for non-civil servant technical, management, administration and services staff

26 Jul 2024
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The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has reached an important new agreement with non-civil servants, members of the UAB's technical, management, administration and services staff. The agreement was signed by the UAB's Governing Team, Office of the Executive Administrator, and PTGAS Works Council.


The agreement signed regulates the application of the additional funds for the reclassification of non-civil servant technical, management, administration and services staff of the LG4 group.

The evolution of the new needs of the university community and the use of new technologies make it very important to rethink the organisation and services offered from the current Logistics Services and Information Points (SLIPI's). In this sense, the corresponding studies have been carried out, which have concluded with the creation of a new catalogue of tasks that, on the one hand, allows the technification of the group of service assistants of the LG3 group and, on the other hand, improves the efficiency of the staff and of the service itself.

The additional funds of 0.25% and 0.30% of the wage bill of the PTGAS non-civil servants group stemming from respectively from the 2019 and 2020 budgets will be used to finance actions related to improving the efficiency of the workforces and the professional development of its personnel belonging to Chapter 1 of the LG4 group, with the commitment of its transformation to the LG3 group.

More information (in Catalan):
