News archive

Bicicleta Facultat de Veterinària

The UAB promotes the use of bicycles

The UAB is promoting the use of bicycles as a means of transport between the university campus and surrounding towns. In September work will begin to construct a bicycle lane connecting Badia del Vallès and the campus, and more lanes will be built from Sabadell and, in the future, from Cerdanyola.

Estudi canyons gel Mart

Mar's enormous spiral ice canyons are young and were formed by erosion

A research with the involvement of the UAB explains the origin and shape of the ice canyon system in the Martian north polar plateau, one of the solar system's largest megastructures. The research will aid in better understanding the great environmental changes undergone by the red planet throughout its history.

Campus de Bellaterra

Services on campus from 29 March to 1 April

As in recent years, all centres of the UAB's Bellaterra Campus will be closed during the spring break, from 29 March to 1 April 2021. Only certain services will be operating on campus.


New call for participants to enter the "Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition

The UAB Doctoral School has organised a new edition of the "Thesis in 4 Minutes" competition for its PhD students. The challenge consists in an oral presentation of their research, lasting a maximum of four minutes and aimed at a general public. All those interested can sign up from 4 to 22 March 2021.