News archive

Imatge de l'OEW 2021

Open Education Week 2021 at the UAB

Open Education Week is held around the world from 1 to 5 March. The UAB Library Services invites the university community to two activities with the aim of raising awareness of the advantages and possibilities open education has to offer.


The fourth edition of the UAB Floral Games is here

From the 15th of February to the 15th of March the deadline is open to be able to take part in the Floral Games competition organized by the Student Council and the faculties of Translation and Interpretation, of Sciences of the Education and Philosophy and Letters, with the support of the Community Involvement Unit. The goal of the contest is to recognize students writing talent.

Campanya de primavera dels reptes de l'ECIU University en vermell

Registration for the ECIU University challenges still open

The registration period for those interested in the challenges offered by the University of Twente in the Netherlands and Tampere University in Finland will remain open until 14 February. Applications are open to all students from any of the 12 ECIU member universities.

Bars i restaurants de la UAB

Campus restaurants reopen on January 7

From Thursday, January 7, the bars and restaurants on campus reopen with new schedules to serve the entire university community, following the latest measures taken in the context of the covid-19.

Vídeo promocional de la Cursa Solidaria de la UAB 2020, en suport a la Marató de TV3

UAB Solidarity Race perior extended

Participants have time until 1 March to sign up for the UAB Solidarity Race, organised jointly with the Cerdanyola City Council. This event aims to give support to the annual TV3 marathon, La Marató de TV3, dedicated this year to Covid-19. The new format has been adapted due to the pandemic.

Alumne fent un examen amb mascareta

Safety measures to be taken during exams

With the aim of continuing to guarantee all safety measures and prevent COVID-19 contagion among the university community, the UAB informs its members of the general recommendations in the organisation and attendance of mandatory exams at the UAB campus.