Registration for the Artistic Training Workshops for the second semester starts on 7 February

Formació artística

The semester Artistic Training Workshops and participation in the UAB Choir and Orchestra are a good opportunity to develop an artistic discipline within the university and have academic recognition of ECTS credits.


Registration for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona's artistic training workshops and Stable Groups begins on 7 February. These semester-long and annual activities offered by Cultura en Viu are divided into four “Aules” (Music, Theatre, Dance and Writing) and offer numerous proposals with which to develop artistic skills with the help of professionals from different sectors. All workshops have reduced prices for members of the university community and academic recognition of ECTS credits.

The “Aula de Música” has been directed by Poire Vallvé since the 2001-2002 academic year and includes different permanent groups and workshops. According to Vallvé himself: "The “Aula de Múscia” proposes the integral formation of the person in the different groups and projects, expression and musicality, development of the instrument, of the voice and the hearing, musical knowledge.... But above all the possibility of living a beautiful group experience sharing experiences, rehearsals, concerts...".

The “Aula de Música” is made up of the Stable Groups of the Choir and Chamber Choir (also directed by Vallvé) and the UAB Orchestra (directed by Jesús Badia). Application forms for the entrance auditions for the Choir and Orchestra are now available.

In addition, if you prefer, this second semester you can also sign up for the vocal training workshop on Voice Technique (directed by Óliver Carrasco).

For its part, the “Aula de Teatre” is directed by Ricard Gázquez, who describes it as a laboratory, an ideal place to research, practice and be attentive to theatrical trends without losing sight of the classics. Gázquez is the director of the Stable Theatre Group, the main space of the classroom, which also has the following training workshops: Iniciació a la Interpretació Teatral (directed by Màrcia Cisteró), Interpretació Teatral: de la sala d’assaig a escena (directed by Arnau Vidal) and the Taller de Teatre per a majors de 50 anys, which is directed by Marta Sorribas and is aimed at people over 50 who are interested in developing and experiencing the processes of a theatre performance from the inside.

This second semester you can also sign up for the Workshop on Initiation to Theatre Performance in English (directed by Harris Gordon) and Transfeminismes: gènere I arts vives (directed by Miriam Escurriola), which is carried out jointly with the Observatory for Equality of the UAB.

The “Aula de Dansa” is, in the words of Laia Santanach (teacher and dancer), a space for learning, reflection and inspiration where the body is the vehicle for communication at all times. Using contemporary dance techniques, the classroom activities work on training, research and creation to culminate the course with a show to the public. This space has the following workshops: the Contemporary Dance Workshop (Intermediate Level), directed by Laia Santanach, the Contemporary Dance Workshop (Initiation), directed by David Nóvoa and the Urban Dance Initiation Workshop, directed by Héctor Puigdomènech. Take advantage of this second semester and get initiated to Contemporary Dance or Urban Dances through our workshops.

Finally, the “Aula d’Escriptura” is directed by the editor and author Jordi Gol, who also leads the different activities of the classroom since 2009. In this space for creation and literary experimentation, this second semester you will be able to learn some of the techniques of writing narrative fiction and essays thanks to the Creative Writing Workshop.

The format of all these activities may be subject to temporary changes due to the health situation. You can find the details of each training workshop and Stable Group (timetables, prices, descriptions, academic recognition...) on the respective page of each one through the link. If you have any questions, you can visit the Cultura en Viu website for more information or contact the team at

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